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MS 1280 - Papers from the Trustees of St. Martin’s church deposited by Ryland Martineau & Co
1 - Deed to Declare the Use of a Fine of The Advowson of Birmingham Parish Church.
2 - Grant, Bargain and Sale of the Advowson.
3 - Deed of Trust of the Advowson of Birmingham
4 - Grant of fifth part of Advowson of Birmingham Parish Church
5 - Grant of fifth part of Advowson of Birmingham
6 - Final Concord
7 - Abstract of An Act for building two new Chapels and providing Burial places thereto, within the town of Birmingham.
8 - Abstract of An Act of Parliament enabling the Rector of St Martin's to grant Leases of Glebe Lands.
9 - A Terrier of the Rectory of Birmingham.
10 - Counterpart of Lease
11 - Case and Opinion as to Easter Offerings.
12 - Particulars of the annual income from the Rectory of St. Martin.
13 - Copy of The Opinions of Mr Pussick & Mr Atherton on the Title of The Advowson of The Rectory of St. Martin.
14 - Case and Opinion re: title to the Advowson
15 - Counterpart of Lease
16 - An Act for authorizing the Sale of the Parsonage House etc belonging to the Rectory of St Martin.
17 - Conveyance of the Advowson of St Paul, Birmingham
18a-b - Abstract of Trusts of a Deed of Settlement relating to the Advowsons of St. Martin, St. George, St. Thomas, All Saints, Birmingham
19a-b - Declaration of The Motives and Sentiments of Thomas Walker and Elizabeth Walker for placing the advowsons in Trust
21 - Notice to the Patrons & incumbent of St George's Parish Birmingham of the intention to build a new church in that Parish
22 - Official scheme for creating a new district for spiritual purposes in the Parish of St George, Birmingham. [i.e. St Stephen]
23 - Draft scheme for setting up a new spiritual district to be called St. Jude, from the parishes of St. Martin and St. Philip. Copy of Revd. A. Brandram.
24 - Draft Scheme for setting up a new spiritual district to be called St. Jude, from the parishes of St. Martin and St. Philip. Copy of Revd. H.M. Villiers.
25 - Minutes of the Trustees of The Living of St. Martin.
26 - Notes, certificates of transfer etc of consolidated £3 per cent annuities.
27 - Conveyance of the Advowson of St. Paul, Birmingham
28 - Mortgage of The Advowson of St. Paul, Birmingham
29 - Second Mortgage of The Advowson of St. Paul.
30 - Notice from Thomas Avison to Revd. G.B.P. Latimer of the transfer of the Advowson of St. Paul.
31 - Copy of Will of John Spode Gibson of Garston, Lancs.
32 - Draft agreement relative to the Patronage of the Church of Immanuel in Parish of St. Thomas.
33 - Notebook of Revd. Wilson's account with Birmingham Churches Trust
34 - Mortgage of a debt of £2800 and The Advowson of St. Paul, Birmingham.
35 - Contract for Sale of Advowson of St. Paul, Birmingham
36 - Conveyance of Advowson of St. Paul, subject to mortgage debt.
37 - Re-conveyance of Advowson of St. Paul, free of mortgage debt.
38 - Grant of Advowson of St. Paul in Trust
40 - Petition from the parishioners of All Saints, Birmingham to the Trustees of the parish in support of the appointment of Revd. Thomas J. McNulty to the vacancy.
41 - Testimonials of Revd. Thomas J. McNulty.
42 - Account submitted by the Trustees of Birmingham Advowsons to Tayler Ward for appointment of new Trustees.
43 - Account submitted by the Trustees of The Advowsons of St. Martin, St. Thomas, St. George, All Saints and St. Paul to Matthew Smith & James for appointments of new Trustees, title deeds etc.
44 - Appointment of new Trustees to the Advowson of St. Paul, Birmingham.
45 - Schedule of Deeds and Documents relating to the Advowsons of the Churches of St. Martin, St. George, St. Thomas, All Saints and St. Paul
46 - Schedule of Deeds and Documents relating to the Advowsons of the Churches of St. Martin, St. George, St. Thomas, All Saints and St. Paul [as in MS 1280/45]
47 - Schedule of Deeds relating to the Advowsons of the Churches of St. Martin, St. George, St. Thomas, All Saints and St. Paul [as in MS 1280/46] and account of the trustees
48 - Copy Agreement as to Patronage of St. Chrysostom, Birmingham.
49 - Appointment of Trustees to the Advowson of St. Paul, Birmingham.
50 - Appointment of Trustees to the Advowson of St. Paul, Birmingham.
51 - Appointment of Trustees to the Advowson of St. Cuthbert, Birmingham.
52 - Appointment of Trustees to the Advowson of St. Chrysostom, Birmingham.
53 - Appointment of Trustees to the Advowson of St. Paul, Birmingham.
54 - Appointment of Trustees to the Advowson of Immanuel, St. Chrysostom and St. Cuthbert.
55 - Appointment of Trustees as in MS 1280/54
56 - Appointment of Trustees to the Advowson of St. Paul
57 - Building plan of Glebe Land at Five Ways belonging to St. Martin's, Birmingham.
58 - Notes on the parish of St. Paul and its income, re Advowson and right of Presentation.
59 - Notes and illustration re: proposed erection of a new church in the parish of St. Thomas, Birmingham [i.e. Immanuel].
60 - Letter re: purchase of land, patronage etc. for MS 1280/59
61 - Notes re: 3% consolidated annuities held by St. Martin's.
62-79 - Letters to the Trustees of St. Martin etc. re: legal business, appointment of new minister to St. George's, new trustees etc.
80-98 - Letters re: income etc. of St. George's and appointment of new incumbent.
99-119 - Letters re: patronage, founding of the church of Immanuel, incumbent for Immanuel, advowson of St. Paul's etc.
120-127 - Letters re: patronage of St. Paul, St. Martin's Rectory, Trustees etc.
128-133 - Testimonial letters for Revd. Edward Whately.
134-155 - Letters re: candidates for incumbency of St. George's etc.
156-196 - Letters re: appointment of candidate to St George's, testimonials, retirement of J.B. Gabriel, rector of All Saints, applicants for All Saints etc.
197-230 - Letters re: vacancy at All Saints, Trustees, Advowsons etc.
231-241 - Letters on various matters.
242 - Receipt of communication re: St. Silas, Lozells
243 - Printed Testimonials for Revd. T. Webbs
244 - Contributions toward the Oxford Fund.
245 - Two receipts for £30 consolidated 3% Annuities
246 - Extract concerning appointment of Trustees.
247 - Miscellaneous notes.
248 - Map of altered tithe apportionment for St. Martin, St. Thomas & All Saints. [includes tithe rent schedule.]
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