Description | Each interview audio file and transcript has been given a filename that relates to a classification / naming protocol that denotes the decade, region and style of training for each participant, which the Association of British Paediatric Nurses and other project partners felt was useful for the purposes of researchers.
Using the example of the first catalogue entry for interviewee Oluwashete Joyce Agboomaname (see HC BCH/8/1/1 below), the interview itself was logged "20-WM-08-Oluwashete Joyce Agboomaname". The protocol denotes for example:
[First two digits] 20- = Oluwashete was currently training in the 2020s, i.e. at the time of interview [First two letters separated by dashes] WM = Oluwashete was training in the West Midlands region
Using this protocol the digital audio recording of the interview was given the filename 20-WM-08-Oluwashete Joyce Agboomaname.m4a, the transcript was given the filename 20-WM-08-Oluwashete Joyce Agboomaname.pdf. As another example it can be deduced that the next interviewee, 00-LO-04-Nathan Askew, trained during the 2000s in the London area. Further more detailed information about dates, region, duration and nature of the training can be gleaned from the recordings and transcripts, as well as the interview synopsis / summary which can be found in the Description filed for each catalogue entry.
The recordings were originally summarised in an MS Excel spreadsheet and MS Word document with each interview logged in alphabetical order by participant surname, and the catalogue below reflects this. Therefore, the first interviewee alphabetically is Oluwashete Joyce Agboomaname (catalogue reference number: HC BCH/8/1/1 below), then Nathan Askew (catalogue reference number: HC BCH/8/1/2) and so on to the last of the interviewees (HC BCH/8/1/1/103).
The digital audio and transcript files for each interview were copied from their hard drives to a folder that reflects the file level catalogue description for each interview, for example the records relating to the first listed interview HC BCH/8/1/1 are stored in folder hc-bch-8-1-1. The files relating to this interview with Oluwashete Joyce Agboomaname have not been renamed in order to preserve summary classification data utilised by the project team - the filename for the audio file and transcript appears as as Alternative Reference Number / Finding Number in catalogue records HC BCH/8/1/1/1 (for the audio interview) and HC BCH/8/1/1/2 (for the transcript).
The digital archive is currently stored in our Preservica digital preservation repository system and has been made fully available online. A URL link to the Preservica Universal Access page can be found in the file level record for each interview (HC BCH/8/1/1-103).
103 interviews in total. Contents of deposited project archive: 1 x USB Hard drive. Contents: 71 x M4A audio files; 71 x PDF transcripts; 70 x PDF coded agreement / consent forms; MS Excel document 'Oral History Completed Recordings'; MS Word document - 'Honoring Our Past Summaries' [2.03 Gb, 219 files]; 1 x USB Pen drive containing additional content. Contents: 32 x M4A audio files; 32 x PDF transcripts; 33 x PDF agreement / consent forms; Duplicate Apple DS / fork version of files in each folder, which were not copied with the main archive to our Preservica digital preservation system [1.31 Gb; 294 files]. |
AdminHistory | The Association of British Paediatric Nurses (ABPN), undertook this project as part of their 85th Anniversary celebrations. A grant was received from the National Lottery Heritage Fund to support the work which asked participants to talk about their career in children’s nursing from the time of their training.
Recordings began in 2023 and continued until the summer of 2024. A total of 103 recordings were collected, representing over 3750 years of nursing, from all four countries of the U.K. with participants undertaking a range of different training and education leading to registration as children’s nurses with the regulatory bodies - the General Nursing Council, the U.K. Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting and now the Nursing and Midwifery Council.
The training periods reflect training from the 1950s through to the 2020s. |