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1; 57542 - Programmes, handbills etc. 1801 - 1883. Theatre Royal.
1; 64581 - Theatre Royal, Birmingham. Pantomime. Queen of hearts. 24pp. 1863. DUTNALL (MARTIN).
1; 64582 - Theatre Royal, Birmingham. Pantomime. Old King Cole. 23pp. 1864. DUTNALL (MARTIN).
1; 64583 - Theatre Royal, Birmingham. Pantomimes. 16 volumes. 1865 – 1881. MILLWARD (CHARLES).
1; 64594 - Theatre Royal, Birmingham. Pantomime. Beauty and the Beast by C. Millward and T.L. Clay. 24pp. 1881. CLAY (T.L.).
1; 64595 - Theatre Royal, Birmingham. Pantomime. 7 vols. 1883-90.
01; 103773 - The Birmingham theatres. A local retrospect. 1889. *PEMBERTON (THOMAS EDGAR).
1; 125962 - Theatre Royal, Birmingham. Pantomime, Cinderella. 32pp. 1892. LOCKE (FRED).
1; 151113 - Theatre Royal, Birmingham. Pantomime. Babes in the Wood. By Arthur Collins and Arthur Sturgess. 72pp. 1899.
1; 156631 - Theatre Royal, Birmingham. Pantomime. Dick Whittington and his cat. Book of words. Ports. 80pp. 1900. SUMMERS (WALTER).
1; 193794 - Programmes, handbills etc. December 1904 --. Theatre Royal.
1; 212779 - Theatre Royal, Birmingham. Pantomime. Dick Whittington and his cat, by Philip Rodway and Douglas Buchanan. Ports. 64pp. 1908.
1; 220311 - Theatre Royal, Birmingham. Pantomime, 1909 etc. Book of words 1909 Jack and the Beanstalk 1912 Goody Two Shoes 1913 Little Miss Muffet 1924 Jack and the Beanstalk. HEWSON (J. JAMES).
1; 227021 - Theatre Royal, Birmingham. Pantomime. Aladdin. By R. Courtneidge and A.M. Thompson. Ports. 68pp. 1910 NOTE - In 1896 - 1916. THOMPSON (ALEXANDER M.).
1; 233558 - Theatre Royal, Birmingham. Pantomime. Jack and Jill. Book of words. Ports. 64pp. 1911. WOOD (JAY HICKORY).
1; 243340 - Theatre Royal, Birmingham. Pantomime. Sinbad the Sailor. 32pp. 1891 NOTE - In 1856 - 1892. THORN (GEOFFREY).
1; 243342 - Theatre Royal, Birmingham. Pantomime. Cinderella. By A.M. Thompson and R. Courtneidge. Ports. 71pp. 1907 NOTE - In 1896 - 1916. THOMPSON (ALEXANDER M.).
1; 256948 - Theatre Royal, Birmingham. Book of words of operatic pantomime "Aladdin". Ports. 64pp. 1905. DIX (FRANK).
1; 256949 - Theatre Royal, Birmingham. Book of words of pantomime extravaganza "The Queen of hearts". Ports. 64pp. 1906. DIX (FRANK).
1; 256950 - Theatre Royal, Birmingham. Pantomime. Sinbad the sailor. Ports. 64pp. 1914. SLATER (GEORGE M.).
1; 262983 - Theatre Royal, Birmingham. Pantomime. The house that Jack built. Ports. 72pp. 1915. SLATER (GEORGE M.).
1; 270093 - Theatre Royal, Birmingham. Pantomime. Ports. 1916 etc. 1916 Boy Blue 1918 Babes in the Wood. By L. Wylie and G.M. Slater 1919 Dick Whittington. By L. Wylie, C. Harris, (A.T.P.) Valentine and G.M. Slater 1920 Mother Goose. By J.H. Wood, G.M. Slater and P. Rodway. SLATER (GEORGE M.).
1; 271392 - Theatre Royal, Birmingham. Pantomime. Cinderella, by C. Harris and A.T.P. Valentine. Ports. 92pp. 1917. HARRIS (CLIFFORD), VALENTINE (ARCHIBALD THOMAS PECHEY).
1; 274550 - Theatre Royal, Birmingham. Pantomime. Ports. 1918 etc. 1918 Babes in the Wood. By L. Wylie and G.M. Slater 1919 Dick Whittington. By L. Wylie, C. Harris, (A.T.P.) Valentine and G.M. Slater 1923 Aladdin. By L. Wylie and F. Maxwell-Stewart. WYLIE (LAURI).
1; 287686 - Theatre Royal, Birmingham. Pantomime. Dick Whittington, by L. Wylie, C. Harris, A.T.P. Valentine and G.M. Slater. Ports. 1919. HARRIS (CLIFFORD), VALENTINE (ARCHIBALD THOMAS PECHEY).
1; 288757 - Theatre Royal, Birmingham Pantomime. Ports. 1920 etc. 1920 Mother Goose, by J.H. Wood, G.M. Slater and P. Rodway 1921 The Queen of Hearts 1925 Humpty Dumpty by P. Rodway and J.H. Wood 1926 Cinderella. RODWAY (PHILIP).
01; 288785 - Birmingham theatrical reminiscences; Jubilee recollections, 1870 – 1920. Ports. Illus. 1920. *LEVY (EDWARD LAWRENCE). Including local biographical sketches with portraits.
1; 296815 - Programmes, handbills etc. 1884 - 1901. Theatre Royal.
01; 299118 - The Theatre & civic life. An address to the Birmingham Civic Society delivered on February 9th, 1922. 11pp. 1922. JACKSON (Sir BARRY VINCENT).
01; 304237 - Jackson (Sir B.V.) The theatre and civic life. An address to the Birmingham Civic Society delivered on February 9th 1922. 11pp. 1922. Theatres.
1; 309810 - Theatre Royal, Birmingham. Pantomime. Puss in Boots. Ports. 1922. MAXWELL-STEWART (F).
1; 309811 - Theatre Royal, Birmingham. Pantomime. Aladdin, by L. Wylie and F. Maxwell-Stewart. Ports. 1923. MAXWELL-STEWART (F).
1; 314833 - Theatre Royal, Birmingham. Pantomime. 1874. Ride a cock horse to Banbury Cross. Another edition. 24pp. 1874. In Theatre Royal Pantomimes 1856 – 1892. MILLWARD (CHARLES).
1; 314834 - Pantomime. Book of words etc. Another edition. 24pp. 1874. Theatre Royal.
1; 323561 - The Tyrant, an episode in the career of Cesare Borgia. A play in four acts first produced at the Theatre Royal, 19th March 1925. 1925. SABATINI (RAFAEL).
1; 329763 - Theatre Royal, Birmingham. Pantomime. Humpty Dumpty, by P. Rodway and J.H. Wood. Ports. 1925. WOOD (JAY HICKORY).
1; 440194 - Pantomime. Book of words etc. 1856, 1858-60, 1863-67, 1869-84, 1886-92, 1896, 1899, 1900, 1905--. Theatre Royal.
1; 518822 - National Unionist Association. Annual conference at Birmingham, June 9th - 11th 1920. Mass meeting at the Theatre Royal, addressed by the Rt. Hon. A. Bonar Law, M.P. Plan of platform. Folding sheet. 1920. Theatre Royal.
01; 519382 - History of the Birmingham stage, by Delta. Newspaper cuttings from the Birmingham Daily Mail, April 21st – May 26th, 1880. 73pp. 1880.
1; 611271 - Theatre Royal; the history of the Theatre Royal, Birmingham.
1; 662014 - Wystepy prowincjonalne Heleny Modrzejewskiej W Anglii : [with references to Heleny Modrzejewskiej's appearance at the Theatre Royal, Birmingham].
2, 230273 - 50 years' memoirs of the Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham. (Anon) 32pp. 1911. ADCOCK (CHARLES S.).
2, 243330 - Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham. Pantomime, Sindbad the Sailor. 53pp. 1887. ANDERTON (JOHN).
2, 243331 - Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham. Pantomime, Cinderella. 53pp. 1889. ANDERTON (JOHN).
2, 243332 - Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham. Pantomime, Babes in the Wood. 41pp. 1890. ANDERTON (JOHN).
2, 243333 - Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham. Pantomime, Aladdin. 52pp. 1892. ANDERTON (JOHN).
2, 243334 - Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham. Pantomime, Bo-peep and Bonnie Boy Blue. 48pp. 1893. ANDERTON (JOHN).
2; 64678 - Swanborough's Pantomime, 1863-4. The House that Jack built, at the Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham. (Anon). 24pp. 1863. BLANCHARD (EDWARD LEMAN).
2; 64679 - Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham. Pantomime. Beauty and the beast. 24pp. 1864. DUTNALL (MARTIN).
2; 64680 - Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham. Pantomime. Little Bo-peep. 24pp. 1865. DUTNALL (MARTIN).
2; 64683 - Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham. Pantomime, Little Red Riding Hood. 32pp. 1869. DALY (CHARLES).
2; 64684 - Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham. Pantomime, Jack and the Beanstalk. 32pp. 1870. DALY (CHARLES).
2; 64685 - Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham. Pantomime. Little Goody Two-Shoes etc. 32pp. 1871. STRACHAN (JOHN).
2; 64686 - Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham. Pantomime. Twinkle, twinkle little star. 32pp. 1872. STRACHAN (JOHN).
2; 64687 - Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham. Pantomime. Humpty Dumpty. 36pp. 1873. STRACHAN (JOHN).
2; 64689 - Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham. Pantomime, "A frog he would a wooing go." 56pp. 1876. MALTBY (ALFRED).
2; 67561 - Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham. Pantomime, Little Bo-Peep! by J. and H. Paulton. 32pp. 1874 NOTE - In 1863 – 1885. PAULTON (HARRY).
2; 69242 - Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham. Pantomime, Sinbad the Sailor. 24pp. 1882. DOYLE (T.F.).
2; 72269 - Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham. Pantomime, Cinderella. 26pp. 1883. DOYLE (T.F.).
2; 106151 - Programmes, handbills, day-bills etc. 1873 - 1940. 58 volumes. 1873 - 1940. Prince of Wales Theatre.
2; 126090 - Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham. Pantomime. The forty thieves. 32pp. 1884. *PEMBERTON (THOMAS EDGAR).
2; 156630 - Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham. Pantomime. Cinderella. By A.M. Thompson and R. Courtneidge. Ports. 88pp. 1900 NOTE - In 1900 - 1912. THOMPSON (ALEXANDER M.).
2; 179539 - Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham. Pantomime. Robinson Crusoe. By A.M. Thompson and R. Courtneidge. Ports. 88pp. 1903 NOTE - In 1900 - 1912. THOMPSON (ALEXANDER M.).
2; 191279 - Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham. Pantomime. Cinderella. Book of words. Ports. 64pp. 1905. WOOD (JAY HICKORY).
2; 205763 - Grand Theatre of Varieties (Birmingham) Programmes December 9th 1907 – May 1923. Imperfect. 17 volumes. 1902-23. Music Halls.
2; 220312 - Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham. Pantomime. Babes in the Wood. Book of words. Ports. 56pp. 1909. WOOD (JAY HICKORY).
2; 227021 - Theatre Royal, Birmingham. Pantomime, Aladdin by R. Courtneidge and A.M. Thompson. Ports. 68pp. 1910. COURTNEIDGE (ROBERT).
2; 240201 - Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham. Pantomime. Twinkle, little star. Book of words. Ports. 80pp. 1912. WOOD (JAY HICKORY).
2; 243328 - Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham. Pantomime. Book of words. 6 volumes. 1877-82 1877 Cinderella 1878 Babes in the wood 1879 Aladdin and his wonderful lamp 1880 Little Red Riding Hood, and Bo-peep 1881 Blue Beard 1882 Sinbad the sailor. GREEN (FRANK W.).
2; 243335 - Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham. Pantomime. Aladdin. By A.M. Thompson and R. Courtneidge. 96pp. 1901 NOTE - In 1900 - 1912. THOMPSON (ALEXANDER M.).
2; 243336 - Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham. Pantomime. Mother Goose. Book of words. Ports. 64pp. 1907. WOOD (JAY HICKORY).
2; 243342 - Theatre Royal, Birmingham. Pantomime, Cinderella by A.M. Thompson and R. Courtneidge. Ports. 71pp. 1907. COURTNEIDGE (ROBERT).
2; 243343 - Christmas pantomime, 1885-6 - 1891-2, 1903-4. Book of words. 9 volumes. 1885 - 1903. Grand Theatre, opened 1883.
2; 243345 - Grant Theatre, Birmingham. Pantomime. Book of Words by T.W. Jones, and others. 5 volumes. 1887-90
2; 257017 - Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham. Pantomime. Aladdin. Ports. 60pp. 1914. SLATER (GEORGE M.).
2; 314835 - Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham. Pantomime, Little Bo-Peep! by J. and H. Paulton. 32pp. 1874 NOTE - In 1863 – 1885. PAULTON (HARRY).
2; 316567 - Pantomime. 1873-74. Book of words. 32pp. 1873. Prince of Wales Theatre.
2; 364450 - The Prince of Wales Courier. July 1929 - March 1934. Ports. Illus. 1929-34 NOTE - All published. Prince of Wales Theatre.
3, 257282 - Alexandra Theatre, Birmingham. Pantomime, 1906-7 etc. Book of Words. 5 volumes. 1906-10 1906-7 Cinderella 1907-8 Babes in the Wood 1908-9 Little Red Riding Hood 1909-10 Aladdin 1910-11 Dick Whittington. AYRTON (FRANK).
3; 204194 - Programmes. November 25th 1907 - 1961 NOTE - No programmes issued for 1935. Alexandra Theatre Orginally called the Lyceum Theatre.
3; 248971 - Alexandra Theatre, Birmingham. Christmas pantomime, 1913-14 to 1917-18. Book of words. 4 volumes. 1913-17 1913-14 Cinderella. 1914-15 Aladdin. 1916-17 Babes in the Wood. 1917-18 The Forty Thieves. BARRY (JOSEPH L.).
3; 256314 - Pantomimes, 1905 --. Book of words. 1905 --. Alexandra Theatre Orginally called the Lyceum Theatre.
3; 262986 - Alexandra Theatre, Birmingham 1915-16. Grand Christmas Pantomime, Jack and the Beanstalk by W. De Lacy and M. Byam. Ports. 64pp. 1915. DE LACY (WILLIAM).
3; 348575 - The Alexandra Journal. A monthly record of the activities of Leon Salberg's Repertory Company. Vols. 1 - 4 (October 1927 - July 1932) Ports.
3; 464985 - Alexandra Theatre, Birmingham. Christmas pantomimes 1936 - 1937 -- Souvenir books of words 1936-37 Mother Goose 1937-38 Aladdin 1938-39 Robinson Crusoe 1939-40 Jack and the Beanstalk. THOMAS (BASIL A..
3; 467703 - Alexandra Theatre, Birmingham. Christmas pantomime. 1925-26 to 1934-35 Souvenir book of words. 4 volumes. 1925-26 The Forty Thieves. 1926-27 Babes in the wood. 1933-34 Babes in the wood. 1934 Dick Whittington. COOPER (REGINALD).
3; 595095 - Alexandra Theatre : the story of a popular playhouse.
3; 751741 - Encore : the magazine of the Alexandra Theatre, Birmingham.
4; 229608 - The Scallop-shell. The Pilgrim Review. Organ of the Pilgrim Players. Numbers 1, 2. February, April 1911.
4; 232513 - Pilgrim Players Series. 3 volumes. 1911-12
4; 232673 - Cophetua. A play (Birmingham) (Pilgrim Players Series Number 3) 14pp 1911. *DRINKWATER (JOHN).
4; 240630 - [Programmes] ...
4; 240631 - The Birmingham Repertory Theatre. Posters February 15th 1913 (1st performance) etc. 1913 etc.. Repertory Theatre (opened February 15th 1913).
4; 240635 - Lines for the opening of the Birmingham Repertory Theatre. Privately printed. 7pp. 1913. Bound with 240630. *DRINKWATER (JOHN).
4; 258509 - Womenkind. A play. (Birmingham) Pilgrim Players Series. No. 4. 24pp. 1912. GIBSON (WILFRID WILSON).
4; 279923 - St. George and the dragons. Produced at the Repertory Theatre, Birmingham. March 30th 1918. 1919. PHILLPOTTS (EDEN).
4; 286366 - Miss Robinson. A play. First produced at the Birmingham Repertory Theatre 1918. 1920. BAKER (ELIZABETH).
4; 298126 - The Farmer's wife. A comedy in three acts, first produced at the Repertory Theatre, Birmingham. November 11th 1916. 1916. PHILLPOTTS (EDEN).
4; 312542 - Gas. A play in five acts translated from the German by H. Scheffauer. First produced in English at the Repertory Theatre, Birmingham. November 24th, 1923 (New European Library Volume 3) Illus. 96pp. 1924. KAISER (GEORG).
4; 316658 - A history of the Birmingham Repertory Theatre. Illus. 1924. MATTHEWS (BACHE). Including a chapter on the Pilgrim Players.
4; 320936 - . Birmingham Repertory Theatre Newsletter. By A. Bland. Number 1 etc. 1925 etc.
4; 321273 - Devonshire cream. A comedy in three acts, first produced at the Repertory Theatre, Birmingham. December 20th 1924. 1925. PHILLPOTTS (EDEN).
4; 336192 - Ghéon (H) The Comedian. A translation by A. Bland of "Le Comedien et la Grâce" a play in three acts first produced at the Repertory Theatre, Birmingham, March 19th 1927. 95pp. 1925. Repertory Theatre (opened February 15th 1913).
4; 337808 - The Marvellous history of St. Bernard. A play adapted from a manuscript of the XV century. Translated into English by Sir B.V. Jackson with a preface by C.C. Martindale. Produced at the Repertory Theatre, Birmingham, May 16th, 1925. 94pp. 1925. GHEON (HENRI).
4; 337973 - The Blue Comet. A comedy in three acts, first produced at the Repertory Theatre, Birmingham. September 11th 1926. 1927—. PHILLPOTTS (EDEN).
4; 366033 - Shadows of strife. A play in three acts. Produced at the Birmingham Repertory Theatre, November 1929. With a foreword by Sir B.V. Jackson. 94pp. 1930. DAVISON (JOHN) mechanic.
4; 383981 - Phillpotts (E) and Phillpotts (Adelaide) Devonshire plays. The Farmer's wife and Devonshire cream, by E. Phillpotts; Yellow sands by E. and Adelaide Phillpotts. First produced at the Repertory Theatre, Birmingham. 1927. Repertory Theatre (opened February 15th 1913).
4; 387847 - Sir Barry Jackson's British players from London, England (and of the Birmingham Repertory Theatre). Souvenir of their first visit to Canada, at the invitation of the National Council of Education 1931-32. Ports. Illus. 48pp. 1931. Repertory Theatre (opened February 15th 1913).
4; 478005 - Birmingham Repertory Theatre 1913-38. Booklet issued for the 25th anniversary. With list of plays produced, and players who have performed at the theatre. With a commentary by George Bernard Shaw. Foreword by Barry Jackson. 44pp. 1938.
4; 517102 - A brief analysis of the work done by the Birmingham Repertory Company durings its first to fourth seasons, February - June 1913 - September 1915-July 1916. 1913-16. Repertory Theatre (opened February 15th 1913).
4; 544087 - Kemp (T.C.) Birmingham Repertory Theatre: the playhouse and the man (i.e. Sir B. V. Jackson. A record of performances 1924-43. With a foreword by Sir Barry V. Jackson. Port. Illus. 1943. Repertory Theatre (opened February 15th 1913).
4; 589753 - Kemp (T.C.) Birmingham Repertory Theatre: the playhouse and the man (i.e. Sir B. V. Jackson). 2nd edition revised. A record of performances 1924-47. Port. Illus. 1948 NOTE - For the history of the Repertory Theatre before 1924 see Catalogue No. 316658 below. Repertory Theatre (opened February 15th 1913).
4; 711914 - The Birmingham Repertory Theatre, 1913-1963.
4; 744026 - Proscenium: the magazine of the Birmingham Repertory Theatre.
06; 229786 - Birmingham Drama Society. Objects etc. 3pp. 1911. Drama Society (Birmingham).
06; 353682 - Musical and Dramatic Society. Programmes etc. of annual performances of Shakespeare’s plays. 1922 etc.. Grammar Schools of King Edward VI 1) The High School etc..
06; 385828 - Annual Report, 1929-30 --. Bournville Dramatic Society.
06; 398205 - Birmingham Amateur Dramatic Federation year book ...
06; 458006 - Programmes ...
06; 466247 - Birmingham Girls' Old Edwardian Club (Dramatic Section) Programmes of performances held in Moseley and Balsall Heath Institute. 1935--. Old Edwardians' Club [afterwards Association] (Birmingham).
06; 466249 - Dramatic Section. Programmes of performances held in St. John’s Church Hall, Sparkhill; Moseley and Balsall Heath Institute. 1934; 1936. Grosvenor Amateur Operatic and Dramatic Society.
06; 472581 - Programmes of play productions and readings (with typescript note on the history of the Society) 1925 -- NOTE :- 1. 1925-35 incomplete 2. Wants 1926-7. Bournville Dramatic Society.
06; 497949 - Moseley and Balsall Heath Institute. One Act Play Society. Programmes. 1937--. One Act Play Society.
06; 508690 - Programmes ...
8; 508955 - Crescent Theatre. Programmes 1932-3 – NOTE - For programmes 1924-31 see A collection of playbills etc. above Catalogue No. 311066. LF28.8. Municipal Players afterwards Crescent Theatre Players.
8; 568856 - [Programmes ... ].
8; 584999 - Student productions : [programmes].
8; 586259 - Theatre arts centre, a beginning : the Highbury Little Theatre.
8; 598840 - Silver jubilee, 1924-1949 : [a history with list of performances].
8; 663221 - [Programmes ... ].
8; 710189 - Sweeney Todd, the barber : a melodrama in four acts / adapted by Brian J. Burton from George Dibdin Pitt's Victorian version of the legendary drama ; music and lyrics by Brian J. Burton.
8; 755130 - Programmes, October 1966.
09; 6549 - Theatrical Looker-on at the Birmingham Theatre (The) Weekly. Vos. 1, 2 (May 27th - November 9th 1822, May 19th - November 21st 1823) All published. 2 volumes. 1822-3. Theatres.
09; 57800 - Theatrical John Bull (The) Weekly. Nos. 1 - 21 (May 29th to October 16th 1824) (Birmingham) 1825. Theatres.
9; 153312 - Tivoli (afterwards Hippodrome) Theatre of Varieties, Birmingham. Programmes. August 20th (1st) etc. 1900 etc. NOTE - Incomplete. Many issues wanting. Music Halls.
09; 310356 - The Gong. A magazine devoted to art and the drama. Published by the Birmingham Repertory Theatre. December 1921 - December 1922. All published. Ports. Illus. 1921-22. Repertory Theatre (opened February 15th 1913).
9; 407050 - Book of the words.
606341 - The British Theatre Exhibition, Bingley Hall, Birmingham, May 23 to June 18, 1949 : [organised by the Birmingham post in association with Sir B. Jackson and the Arts Council of Great Britain, catalogue and guide].
663163 - Theatricals : fancy costumieres illustrated catalogue.
Expand 29 - Legends, Ghost Apparitions, Hauntings29 - Legends, Ghost Apparitions, Hauntings
Expand 30 - History of Birmingham Government from ealiest times30 - History of Birmingham Government from ealiest times
Expand 31 - City Corporation, The Mayor, Aldermen and Council Collectively31 - City Corporation, The Mayor, Aldermen and Council Collectively
32 - Mayoralty
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Expand 40 - Statistics, Yearbooks of General Statistics40 - Statistics, Yearbooks of General Statistics
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Expand 42 - Crimes, Offences, Misdemeanours, Juvenile Crime, Special Crimes42 - Crimes, Offences, Misdemeanours, Juvenile Crime, Special Crimes
Expand 43 - Laws, Admisitration of Justice43 - Laws, Admisitration of Justice
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Expand 46 - Medicine Hospitals46 - Medicine Hospitals
Expand 47 - Transport, Communication, Traffic Problems47 - Transport, Communication, Traffic Problems
Expand 48 - Education, Teaching and Teachers, History and Description of Schools,48 - Education, Teaching and Teachers, History and Description of Schools,
Expand 49 - Other Services (Gas, Electricity)49 - Other Services (Gas, Electricity)
Expand 50 - Culture in Birmingham50 - Culture in Birmingham
Expand 51 - Literary Associations51 - Literary Associations
Expand 52 - Literary Associations (Birmingham and Midland Writers Only)52 - Literary Associations (Birmingham and Midland Writers Only)
Expand 53 - Libraries53 - Libraries
Expand 54 - Fine Arts, artists, Printing, Sculpture54 - Fine Arts, artists, Printing, Sculpture
Expand 55 - Music55 - Music
Expand 56 - Architecture in Birmingham56 - Architecture in Birmingham
Expand 57 - Public Buildings57 - Public Buildings
Expand 58 - Domestic Architecture, Household Effecrs, Gardens58 - Domestic Architecture, Household Effecrs, Gardens
Expand 59 - Other Cutural Activities59 - Other Cutural Activities
Expand 60 - Economic History and Theory60 - Economic History and Theory
Expand 61 - Industrial Organisation61 - Industrial Organisation
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Expand 72 - History: Before the Conquest72 - History: Before the Conquest
Expand 73 - Histories of Specific Periods73 - Histories of Specific Periods
Expand 74 - Relations with Foreign Countires. Colonial Relations74 - Relations with Foreign Countires. Colonial Relations
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Expand 76 - Political History76 - Political History
Expand 77 - Geneaology, Heraldry77 - Geneaology, Heraldry
Expand 78 - Biography78 - Biography
Expand 79 - Collections of Portraits, Catalogues of Portraits79 - Collections of Portraits, Catalogues of Portraits
Expand 80 - Topography and description80 - Topography and description
Expand 81 - Birmingham as described by foreign travellers81 - Birmingham as described by foreign travellers
82 - Vestiges of Old Birmingham and Midlands
Expand 83 - Guides to Birmiongham and Surrounding Country83 - Guides to Birmiongham and Surrounding Country
Expand 84 - Maps and Plans84 - Maps and Plans
Expand 85 - Views, Prospects, Panoramas85 - Views, Prospects, Panoramas
Expand 86 - Improvement Schemes to 193986 - Improvement Schemes to 1939
Expand 87 - Reconstruction and Redevelopment: 1940s onwards87 - Reconstruction and Redevelopment: 1940s onwards
Expand 88 - Conservation, Environment88 - Conservation, Environment
Expand 89 - Particular streets and localites89 - Particular streets and localites
Expand 90 - Parishes90 - Parishes
Expand 91 - Suburbs and Districs in Warwickshire91 - Suburbs and Districs in Warwickshire
Expand 92 - Suburbs and Districts transferred from Worcestershie92 - Suburbs and Districts transferred from Worcestershie
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Expand 99 - West Midlands, Black Country99 - West Midlands, Black Country
Expand B.Col - The Birmingham CollectionB.Col - The Birmingham Collection
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