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Collapse 61 - Industrial Organisation61 - Industrial Organisation
01; 246129 - Report on Birmingham trades, prepared for use in connection with the Juvenile Employment Exchange. (Board of Trade) 11 volumes. 1913-16 NOTE - Separate handbooks on the following trade :- Electro-plate; Printing etc.: Gun and Rifle; Flint glass; Brush; Trades for physically handicapped; Engineering and allied trades; Brass Tool making. SMIRKE (R.S.).
01; 246130 - Printing and the allied trades. Report on Birmingham trades, prepared for use in connection with the Juvenile Employment Exchange (by R.S. Smirke) (Board of Trade) 20pp. 1913. Printers and Printing.
01; 246131 - Smirke (R.S.) The manufacture of sporting guns and rifles. Report on Birmingham trades, prepared for use in connexion with the Juvenile Employment Exchange. 12pp. 1913. Copy at LF61.01. Gun Trade.
01; 246132 - Smirke (R.S.) Jewellery. Report on Birmingham trades, prepared for use in connexion with the Juvenile Employment Exchange. 16pp. 1913. Jewellery and Plate.
01; 246133 - Smirke (R.S.) The manufacture of flint glass and allied trades. Report on Birmingham Trades, prepared for use in connexion with the Juvenile Employment Exchange. (Board of Trade) 16pp. 1913 NOTE :- Also a copy at LF61.01. Glass and Glass Trade.
01; 254376 - Smirke (R.S.) The general brush trade. Report on Birmingham trades, prepared for use in connexion with the Juvenile Employment Exchange (Board of Trade) 9pp. 1913. Brush Trade.
01; 263615 - Smirke (R.S.) Engineering and allied trades. Report on Birmingham Trades, prepared for use in connection with the Juvenile Employment Exchange. (Board of Trade) 59pp. 1916.
01; 269089 - Report on Vanboy labour in Birmingham, prepared for use in connexion with the Juvenile Employment Exchange. (Board of Trade) 24pp. 1913 NOTE - Photocopy at LF61.01. RILEY (LAURENCE A.M.).
01; 269090 - Smirke (R.S.) The tool making trades. Report on Birmingham trades, prepared for use in connection with the Juvenile Employment Exchange. (Board of Trade) 50pp. 1914. Tool Making Trades.
01; 269091 - Smirke (R.S.) The Brass Trade. Report on Birmingham Trades, prepared for use in connection with the Juvenile Employment Exchange. (Board of Trade) 50pp 1914.
01; 278905 - Birmingham commercial and industrial official handbook. Issued by authority of the General Purposes Committee of the Corporation of Birmingham. (Cheltenham) Maps. Illus. 1919.
01; 802744 - Industrial archaeology: an introduction.
2; 604525 - The foreman and production control / [prepared for the Institute of Industrial Supervisors by the Department of Industrial Administration of the Birmingham Central Technical College].
2; 620872 - Training in supervision and management : a paper presented at a meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science at Birmingham in August, 1950 / published by the Industrial Administration Group of the Students Union of the College of Tech
2; 627806 - A code of management practice relating to the status of the foreman : suggestions arising from the work of a management study group [in the Department of Industrial Administration of the Birmingham Central Technical College].
2; 627807 - The supervisor and the specialists / [a survey undertaken on behalf of the Institute of Industrial Supervisors by F.J.B. Morton].
2; 627808 - The foreman's manual on reading / [prepared for the Institute of Industrial Supervisors by F.J.B. Morton].
2; 627809 - Motion study on the shop floor / [by G.P. Wade ; prepared by the Department of Industrial Administration of the Birmingham Central Technical College ; and planned by the Institute of Industrial Supervisors].
2; 627811 - Industrial organization and administration, from the supervisor's viewpoint.
2; 627812 - The foreman and productivity.
2; 627813 - The foreman and time study.
2; 627814 - The foreman and methods improvement.
2; 627815 - Objects and qualifications for membership.
2; 636060 - Information for foremen.
2; 660282 - Supervision of people / [with a foreword by J.D. Dwyer].
2; 660746 - Maintenance and the supervisor / with a foreword by H.F. Walker and illustrations by R. Martin.
2; 662161 - Industrial equipment and services exhibition : catalogue.
2; 663205 - The supervisor in the mechanical age.
2; 749039 - A matter of costs.
3; 229567 - Report and statement of accounts for 1909-10 etc. 1910. Building Trades Employers' Association (Birmingham).
3; 229812 - Rules. 14pp. 1909. Building Trades Employers' Association (Birmingham).
3; 714757 - Safety and the law : the general principles of employer's liability at common law and under the Factories Act, 1961.
5; 578333 - Industrial relations within Bakelite Limited [including a description of workers' amentities at Tyseley, Birmingham].
5; 661821 - Men & motors : a policy for the industry.
7; 186080 - Sherard (R.H.) The child-slaves of Britain. Including a chapter on child-slavery in Birmingham. Illus. 1905. Children.
8 Missing; 359024 - Birmingham High Court, 1926. Official handbook and souvenir guide. Illus. Map. 1926. Foresters (Ancient Order of).
8, 259178 - Rules of the Benevolent Fund in connection with the Aston Manor and District Licensed Victuallers' Friendly and Protection Society. 13pp. 1867. Aston Manor and District Licensed Victuallers' Friendly Society.
8, 259179 - Rules of the Aston Provident Society held at the National School Room, Aston. 19pp. 1869. Aston Provident Society.
8; 35927 - Rules and tables of the Birmingham General Provident and Benevolent Institution. 4th edition. 30pp. 1845. SANDERS (WILLIAM) M.R.C.S..
8; 72292 - Articles of agreement to establish a Money Society at the Crown and Anchor, Livery Street, Birmingham etc. 11pp. 1802. Money Societies.
8; 72293 - Articles to be observed and kept by the members of a Society, held at the house of S. Fallows, Spring Gardens, Mill Street, Birmingham. 12pp. 1800. Friendly Societies.
8; 72294 - Articles of Agreement between the Members of a (Boat Building) Society, to meet at the House of Mr. John Jones, The Waggon and Horses, Summer Row, Birmingham. 8pp. 1808. Boat Society (Jones's Birmingham).
8; 176109 - Rules and tables for Provident and Independent Institutions. Published by the Society for promoting the establishment of Clubs on sound principles. pp. iv, 36. 1834. Clubs on Sound Principles (Society for Promoting the establishment of). SANDERS (WILLIAM) M.R.C.S..
8; 176109 - Rules and tables of St. Thomas's Provident and Independent Institution. 1834, 1841, 1845, 1854, 1860, 1905, 1912, 1939.
8; 224018 - Directory of the Ancient Order of Foresters Friendly Society for 1910 (66th) Ports. 1910. Foresters (Ancient Order of).
8; 224986 - 76th High Court, Birmingham. A collection of reports and miscellaneous papers. 1910. Report of the Investigation Committee; Programme of arrangements; Address of W.T. Brecknell; Report on Financial returns etc.; Report of Parliamentary Agent; Report of Delegates to the National Conference of Friendly Societies. With forms, circulars, leaflets etc.. Foresters (Ancient Order of).
8; 224987 - General Laws as amended 1909. Foresters (Ancient Order of).
8; 224988 - Programme of business, with Auditor's Report and cash accounts. Ancient Order of Foresters. 1910 High Court, Town Hall, Birmingham. 1909-10.
8; 239339 - Rules and tables of St. Thomas's Provident and Independent Institution, Birmingham. 3rd edition. 1841. SANDERS (WILLIAM) M.R.C.S..
8; 239919 - Rules and tables of the Birmingham General Provident and Benevolent Institution. 6th edition. 47pp. 1854. SANDERS (WILLIAM) M.R.C.S..
8; 239920 - Rules and tables of the Birmingham General Provident and Benevolent Institution. 7th edition. 28pp. 1860. SANDERS (WILLIAM) M.R.C.S..
8; 239921 - Report upon the Birmingham General Provident and Benevolent Institution. Actuarial report upon the quinquennial valuation, 1902, 1907, 1912 etc. NOTE - In Reports 1901-28. SCHOOLING (JOHN HOLT).
8; 260820 - Annual statement etc. 68th (1870). 1871. Union Provident Sick Society.
8; 300175 - Prospectus of the deposit sick pay fund. 16pp. 1902 NOTE - Bound with Reports 1901-28. Provident and Benevolent Institution (Birmingham General).
8; 307785 - Steps towards industrial peace. A pension and assurance sheme in operation. The Birmingham Post and The Birmingham Mail Staff Endowment Scheme. 46pp. 1923. *FORD (Sir BERTRAM JOSEPH TOTTEY).
8; 312212 - Rules and orders to be observed by the members of a Friendly Society who have agreed to meet at the house of Mr. John Overton, Crown and Anchor Tavern, New Thomas Street, Birmingham. 8pp. 1824. Friendly Societies.
8; 359024 - Ancient Order of Foresters. Birmingham High Court, 1926. Official handbook and souvenir guide. Illus. Map. 1926. Guides.
8; 389073 - The annual balance sheets of the "Malt Shovel" Sick & Dividend Society, held at Malt Shovel Inn, Balsall Heath ...
24; 637545 - Safety and factory efficiency exhibition [and congress] Bingley Hall ... : catalogue.
47; 251068 - Boy life and labour. An inquiry undertaken at the request of the Education Committee of the Birmingham City Council. 1914. FREEMAN (ARNOLD).
48; 224633 - City of Birmingham (Unemployed Workmen Act, 1905) : report of the proceedings of the Distress Committee ...
51; 140579 - Rules, reports and prospectus's ...
51; 195459 - Annual report and accounts, 1905-12. With a collection of leaflets, circulars, forms etc. 1906-13. Gas Fitters’ Trade Association.
51; 252178 - Syndicalism. History of the movement in Birmingham. The work of Robert Owen. Newspaper cuttings. 1914. WILLIAMS (HENRY B.). Labour Exchange (National Equitable), Birmingham Branch.
51; 268784 - Presidential address to the 48th Trades Union Congress held in Birmingham. September 4th to 9th, 1916. 10pp. 1916. GOSLING (HARRY).
51; 268785 - French delegate's address to the 48th Trades Union Congress held in Birmingham, September 4th to 9th, 1916. 9pp. 1916. JOUHAUX (M.L.).
51; 389086 - Union of Post Office Workers. Birmingham H.O. Postmen's Branch. Annual report and balance sheet, 1921 (2nd); 1923; 1925; 1927; 1928; 1930 – . 1921 – NOTE - Reports for 1920; 1922; 1924; 1926; 1929 wanting. Post Office Workers (Union of), Birmingham District Council.
51; 390214 - 58th annual general meeting, Birmingham 1931. Report of proceedings, papers read etc. From Journal of the Institution of Municipal and County Engineers. Volume 58. 1931.
51; 661817 - The closed shop and 100% trade unionism / with a foreword by J.L. Jones.
51; 662237 - The foreman : the official organ of the National Foremen's Association of the Engineering and Allied Trades.
51; 800974 - United Kingdom first annual trades' union directory.
52; 154748 - Annual report and balance sheet. 29th to 32nd (1894-8) etc. NOTE - Title for 1918 was Birmingham Trades Council and Central Labour Party. Title for 1920, Birmingham Trades Council and Borough Labour Party. Trades Council (Birmingham).
52; 159686 - Birmingham Industrial Polytechnic Exhibition, 1901. Official guide to the exhibition and Birmingham. Map. Illus. 1901.
52; 662223 - Cash book, 1866-70.
52; 752925 - The Birmingham Trades Council, 1866-1966;.
53; 141355 - Birmingham and District Early Closing Record. Monthly organ of the Birmingham and District Early Closing Association. Volume 1 and part of volume 2. 1894-5.
53; 141356 - Birmingham and District Early Closing Record. Monthly organ of the Birmingham and District Early Closing Association. Remainder of volume 2 and volumes 3 - 15. Numbers 143 - 150 wanting. 14 volumes. 1895 - 1908.
53; 662031 - Schedule of wages rates / arranged by the Conciliation Board, 14 June, 1919.
54; 269933 - Dispute in the Chandelier and Gas-fitting trades. The Chandelier and Gas Fitting Trade Employers' Association and the National Society of Amalgamated Brassworkers. Report of the proceedings in the court of Arbitration held in Queen's Hotel, 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 30th April, 1879. George Dixon, Arbitrator. 1879. DIXON (GEORGE) M.P. Works relating to.
59; 266202 - Souvenir of the forty-eighth annual Trade Union Congress held at Birmingham, September 1916, compiled fro the Souvenir Committee by W.A. Dalley and A. Eades. Illus. Ports. 1916. DALLEY (WILLIAM A.), EADES (ALBERT).
59; 266952 - Parliamentary Committee's report to the 48th annual Congress, to be held in the Town Hall, Birmingham, 1916. (London) 1916. Trade Unions, Birmingham Congress, 1916.
59; 266953 - Statistical statement and alphabetical list of delegates appointed to attend the 48th annual Trade Union Congress, to be held in the Town Hall, Birmingham, 1916. (London) 40pp. 1916. Trade Unions, Birmingham Congress, 1916.
59; 266954 - Agenda for the 48th annual Trade Union Congress, held in the Town Hall, Birmingham, September 4th 1916. (London) 64pp. 1916. Trade Unions, Birmingham Congress, 1916.
59; 266955 - Report of proceedings at the 48th annual Trade Union Congress, held in the Town Hall, Birmingham, 1916. (London) 1916. Trade Unions, Birmingham Congress, 1916.
59; 268785 - French delegate's (L. Jouhaux) address to the 48th Trade Union Congress, held in Birmingham, September 4th 1916. 9pp. 1916. Trade Unions, Birmingham Congress, 1916.
401; 226764 - Exchange notes to the value of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 40 and 80 hours. With newspaper cuttings. 1833 - 1912. Labour Exchange (National Equitable), Birmingham Branch.
401; 231184 - The uses of an employment bureau. A paper read at the 1st annual meeting of the Birmingham Gentlewomen's Employment Bureau 1904. 8pp. 1904. SPENCER (Miss M.G.).
Expand 62 - Commerce, Commercial Interests62 - Commerce, Commercial Interests
Expand 63 - Finance, Banking, Public Finance63 - Finance, Banking, Public Finance
Expand 64 - Trades and Manufactures64 - Trades and Manufactures
Expand 65 - Engineering and Technology65 - Engineering and Technology
Expand 66 - Chemical and Allied Industries66 - Chemical and Allied Industries
Expand 67 - Manufactures67 - Manufactures
Expand 68 - Specialised Trades and Craftys68 - Specialised Trades and Craftys
Expand 69 - Other Industries69 - Other Industries
Expand 70 - History: Sources70 - History: Sources
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Expand 72 - History: Before the Conquest72 - History: Before the Conquest
Expand 73 - Histories of Specific Periods73 - Histories of Specific Periods
Expand 74 - Relations with Foreign Countires. Colonial Relations74 - Relations with Foreign Countires. Colonial Relations
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Expand 76 - Political History76 - Political History
Expand 77 - Geneaology, Heraldry77 - Geneaology, Heraldry
Expand 78 - Biography78 - Biography
Expand 79 - Collections of Portraits, Catalogues of Portraits79 - Collections of Portraits, Catalogues of Portraits
Expand 80 - Topography and description80 - Topography and description
Expand 81 - Birmingham as described by foreign travellers81 - Birmingham as described by foreign travellers
82 - Vestiges of Old Birmingham and Midlands
Expand 83 - Guides to Birmiongham and Surrounding Country83 - Guides to Birmiongham and Surrounding Country
Expand 84 - Maps and Plans84 - Maps and Plans
Expand 85 - Views, Prospects, Panoramas85 - Views, Prospects, Panoramas
Expand 86 - Improvement Schemes to 193986 - Improvement Schemes to 1939
Expand 87 - Reconstruction and Redevelopment: 1940s onwards87 - Reconstruction and Redevelopment: 1940s onwards
Expand 88 - Conservation, Environment88 - Conservation, Environment
Expand 89 - Particular streets and localites89 - Particular streets and localites
Expand 90 - Parishes90 - Parishes
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