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Expand 01 - Physical Aspects01 - Physical Aspects
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Expand 09 - Bibilography on all aspects of the history of Birmingham09 - Bibilography on all aspects of the history of Birmingham
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Expand 11 - Ecclesiology, Church Buildings, Art, Furniture11 - Ecclesiology, Church Buildings, Art, Furniture
12 - Monastic Birmingham
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Expand 14 - Diocese of Birmingham. Archdeaconary of Birmingham14 - Diocese of Birmingham. Archdeaconary of Birmingham
Expand 15 - Diocese of Birmingham. Archdeaconary of Aston15 - Diocese of Birmingham. Archdeaconary of Aston
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Expand 22 - Customs of Public and Private Life, Pageants, Festivals Ceremonies and Other Customs22 - Customs of Public and Private Life, Pageants, Festivals Ceremonies and Other Customs
Expand 23 - Inns, Taverns, Public Houses, Hotels, Hospitaity, customes connected with eating and drinking23 - Inns, Taverns, Public Houses, Hotels, Hospitaity, customes connected with eating and drinking
Expand 24 - Clubs and Societies24 - Clubs and Societies
Expand 25 - Amusements, Recreation, Sports and Pastimes25 - Amusements, Recreation, Sports and Pastimes
Expand 26 - Circuses, Fair and Similar Shows26 - Circuses, Fair and Similar Shows
Expand 27 - Parks, Open Spaces, Public Gardens and Pleasure Gardens27 - Parks, Open Spaces, Public Gardens and Pleasure Gardens
Expand 28 - Theatres, Music Halls28 - Theatres, Music Halls
29 - Legends, Ghost Apparitions, Hauntings
Expand 30 - History of Birmingham Government from ealiest times30 - History of Birmingham Government from ealiest times
Expand 31 - City Corporation, The Mayor, Aldermen and Council Collectively31 - City Corporation, The Mayor, Aldermen and Council Collectively
Expand 32 - Mayoralty32 - Mayoralty
33 - Aldermen
Expand 34 - City Council34 - City Council
Expand 35 - Freedom Qualifications, Rights and Duties of Citizens35 - Freedom Qualifications, Rights and Duties of Citizens
Expand 36 - City Officials and Departments36 - City Officials and Departments
Expand 38 - Town Hall38 - Town Hall
Expand 39 - Regional Government39 - Regional Government
Expand 40 - Statistics, Yearbooks of General Statistics40 - Statistics, Yearbooks of General Statistics
Expand 41 - Poor, Life and Labour41 - Poor, Life and Labour
Expand 42 - Crimes, Offences, Misdemeanours, Juvenile Crime, Special Crimes42 - Crimes, Offences, Misdemeanours, Juvenile Crime, Special Crimes
Expand 43 - Laws, Admisitration of Justice43 - Laws, Admisitration of Justice
Expand 44 - Markets and Food Supply44 - Markets and Food Supply
Expand 45 - Public Health45 - Public Health
Expand 46 - Medicine Hospitals46 - Medicine Hospitals
Expand 47 - Transport, Communication, Traffic Problems47 - Transport, Communication, Traffic Problems
Collapse 48 - Education, Teaching and Teachers, History and Description of Schools,48 - Education, Teaching and Teachers, History and Description of Schools,
2; 743869 - Report of the Chief Education Officer to the Secondary Education, Primary Education and Finance and General Purposes Sub-Committees [on] the organisation of secondary education.
3 636203 - City of Birmingham development plan for primary and secondary education.
3; 660694 - Great Barr comprehensive school, Birmingham : [a description].
03; 984154 - Resources for teaching : Birmingham and the Black Country.
04; 189284 - A collection of bills, leaflets, programmes etc. 1903 etc.. Arnold Club (for headmasters).
4; 229706 - A collection of circulars, programmes etc. 1910 etc.. Workers' Educational Association (Birmingham Branch).
4; 390493 - Journal. Nos. 1 - 8 (1931-32) Typescript. 1931-2 NOTE - From May 1932 included in The Highway. Workers' Educational Association (Birmingham Federation Council).
4; 445152 - Papers issued in connection with annual conference, Birmingham 1935. Workers' Educational Association, Birmingham Meeting, 1935.
4; 662961 - Birmingham and district class programme.
4; 785636 - A survey of W.E.A. work in the Birmingham and West Midlands conurbations (1960-1967).
06; 662216 - All yours : [occasional publication].
7; 576106 - [Minutes of Council and sub-committee meetings, circulars, etc. ... ].
9; 308276 - [A collection of leaflets etc. relating to the University of Birmingham ...].
9; 370835 - Souvenir history of the foundation and development of the Mason Science College and of the University of Birmingham, 1880-1930 by H.F.W. Burstall and C.G. Burton. Jubilee celebrations, October 1930. 84pp. Ports. Illus. Plan. 1930. BURTON (CECIL GEORGE), BURSTALL (HENRY FREDERIC WILLIAM).
9; 661930 - Diamond jubilee, appeal for halls of residence.
9; 663534 - The two worlds : the University of Birmingham and the local community.
21; 34912 - Newspaper cuttings on the Birmingham School Board. 1871-3. School Board (1870 - 1903).
21; 60837 - Newspaper cuttings, leaflets etc., relating to the Birmingham School Board election, 1873. School Board (1870 - 1903).
21; 106032 - Newspaper cuttings on the Birmingham School Board. 1870-76. School Board (1870 - 1903).
21; 202820 - Election literature. A collection of leaflets etc. 1900. School Board (1870 - 1903).
22; 246529 - Financial statement, 1903-4 to 1930-31. 28 volumes. 1904 - 1931. Education Department (Birmingham).
22; 320588 - Birmingham Education Committee. Juvenile Employment and Welfare Sub-Committee. Terminal bulletins. Volumes 1 - 5, April 1925 - May 1930. 5 volumes. 1925-30 NOTE :- All published. Education Department (Birmingham).
22; 484348 - City of Birmingham Education Committee. Return of attendance at 1: public elementary schools; 2 : maintained secondary schools; 3 : commercial schools; 4 : junior day technical school, 1938-39. 1938-39. Schools.
22; 491770 - Memorandum of a business man on the education and related departments of the City of Birmingham. (issued by Boxfoldia ltd. Birmingham on behalf of the Managing Director). Typescript. 1938. FOYLE (CHARLES HENRY).
22; 529786 - City of Birmingham Education Committee. Bulletins. Number 1, January 1939 --.
31; 453601 - The First thiry years of the Birmingham Nursery School movement. A collection of photographs, newspaper cuttings, leaflets etc. With portrait of, and pamphlets by and relating to Miss Julia Lloyd, joint-founder of the Nursery School movement. c. 1903 – 1935. LLOYD (JULIA) Work relating to.
31; 820303 - Annual report-- Priority Area playgroups and Day Care Centres.
32; 6677 - Erdington hall school magazine.
33; 789397 - Local history source book. No. 7, Elementary education in Staffordshire.
34; 662593 - The parish of Bockleton, Worcestershire / a survey made by the third year girls of King's Norton Grammar School from 1958-1961 ; [under the guidance of Mrs. Winifred E. Rindl].
34; 663099 - Old Centrals Association, leaflets, circulars, etc.
36; 229336 - Prospectus of evening classes, 1909-10 -- NOTE :- 1. Called Evening Institutions programme from 1923-4 2. Wants prospectuses 1916-17 to 1919-20. Education Department (Birmingham).
36; 748490 - Agenda [with reports and appendices A-K].
36; 748490 - Agenda [with reports and appendices A-K].
74; 243131 - Birmingham and Midland Institute. 1863 - 1911. OSBORNE (GEORGE HENRY) Newspaper cuttings etc., collected by.
74; 296694 - [Newspaper cuttings ... ].
74; 316553 - Speech on the importance of scientific education at the banquet in the Birmingham Town Hall on the occasion of laying the first stone of the Birmingham and Midland Counties Institute. 1855. Another edition. 7pp. 1855. ALBERT, Prince Consort of Queen Victoria.
74; 641177 - A penny for great thoughts : the story of the founding of the Midland Institute [Birmingham : broadcast] 27th June, 1954.
74; 661866 - Centenary [celebrations] 1954 : [including order of Cathedral service, banquet menu and speeches, celebrity concert programme, etc.].
74; 661927 - Johnson's books : an exhibition of Dr. Johnson's books in the Birmingham Library, Sept. 14 to Oct. 3rd, 1959 / by Charles Parish ; [notes and catalogue].
75; 5394 - Perry Barr Working Men's Institute. A collection of circulars, leaflets etc. 1872 – 1888 NOTE - The name "Working Men's Institute" was dropped on the completion of the scheme, and it became "Perry Barr Institute". Perry Barr Institute.
75; 243151 - Newspaper cuttings, etc., relating to Perry Barr Institute, and the Suburban Institutes Union, Birmingham. Collected by G.H. Osborne. 2 volumes. 1872 – 1907. Perry Barr Institute.
75; 243684 - A collection of leaflets, tickets, circulars, etc., relating to Perry Barr Institute, made by G.H. Osborne. 1866-86. Perry Barr Institute.
75; 388292 - Programmes of amateur dramatic performances by various societies, tickets and programmes of lectures, dances, concerts, bazaars etc. 1904 – 1957. Moseley and Balsall Heath Institute.
75; 465446 - Institute Players. Programmes 1921 –. Moseley and Balsall Heath Institute.
76; 221169 - A collection of circulars, programmes etc. 1908 etc.. Adult School Union (Midland).
79; 31966 - Sunday evening meetings for the people. (Birmingham Sunday Lecture Society) Report for 1878-9 (1st) - 1880-81. 3 volumes. 1879-81. Sunday Lecture Society (Birmingham).
79; 66680 - Annual report. 1st - 47th (1881-2 - 1927-8) 47 volumes. 1882 - 1928. Sunday Lecture Society (Birmingham).
79; 296734 - Programmes 1896 - 1933 NOTE - All published. Sunday Lecture Society (Birmingham).
79; 371167 - Annual report. 48th - 49th (1928-9 to 1929-30) Typescript. 2 volumes. 1929-30 NOTE - No more reports were issued and the Society was dissolved in April 1933. Sunday Lecture Society (Birmingham).
93; 60378 - Educational and subsidiary provisions of the Birmingham Royal School of Medicine and Surgery. A letter to Rev. S.W. Warneford. (Oxford) 65pp. 1843. *THOMAS (Rev. VAUGHAN).
93; 188503 - The Charter, and the supplemental charter and deeds of the Queen's College at Birmingham. 42pp. 1851. Queen's College.
93; 660838 - The Medical School of the University of Birmingham : [a short history].
98; 815289 - The development of a regional medical library service, West Midlands: proposals for development.
99; 560193 - Posters, leaflets, etc.
111; 57548 - The Charter of King Edward the Sixth for a Free Grammar School in Birmingham. Copied from the Latin original with explanatory readings of its contractions and a translation into English. Illus. 1824. Grammar Schools of King Edward VI 1) The High School etc..
111; 60836 - A collection of newspaper cuttings chiefly relating to King Edward’s Grammar School, Birmingham. 1865-76. Grammar Schools of King Edward VI. 1) The High School etc..
111; 64713 - The Charter of King Edward the Sixth for a Free Grammar School in Birmingham. Copied from the Latin original with explanatory readings of its contractions and a translation into English. Illus. 1824. Grammar Schools of King Edward VI 1) The High School etc..
111; 64715 - To alter and amend an Act (1 & 2 Will. IV., c.17) to enable the Governors of the Possessions, Revenues and Goods of the Free Grammar School of King Edward the Sixth in Birmingham to erect a Schoolhouse, Masters Houses and other suitable accommodations for the said School, and to extend the objects of the Charity etc. (1 Vict., c.41) Reprint 1837. Bound with 65722, LF48.111. Acts of Parliament (Miscellaneous).
111; 64716 - Act to extend the provisions of two Acts (1 & 2 Will. IV., C.17 and 1 Vict., c.41) relating to the Free Grammar School of King Edward the Sixth in Birmingham. (5 & 6 Vict., c.35) 1842. Bound with 65722 above. Grammar Schools of King Edward VI 1) The High School etc..
111; 64717 - K.E.S. Birmingham. Scheme approved by the Court of Chancery, 1829 and incorporated in the Act of 1 & 2 Will. IV., (c.17) 1831. 7pp. 1855. Grammar Schools of King Edward VI 1) The High School etc..
111; 64718 - Statute and ordinance for amending the scheme for the regulations of the Free Grammar School of King Edward the Sixth, in Birmingham. 5pp. 1838. Grammar Schools of King Edward VI 1) The High School etc..
111; 64719 - Scheme for teaching in the Free Grammar School of King Edward the Sixth, in Birmingham, modern languages, the arts and sciences, confirmed by order of the Court of Chancery, 1838. 4pp. 1838. Bound with 64717. Grammar Schools of King Edward VI. 1) The High School etc..
111; 64720 - K.E.S. Birmingham. Annual visitation statute. 2pp. 1843. Bound with 64718. Grammar Schools of King Edward VI 1) The High School etc..
111; 64721 - Statute and ordinance for amending the scheme and statutes for the regulation of the Free Grammar School of King Edward the Sixth, in Birmingham. 3pp. 1848 Bound with 64718. Grammar Schools of King Edward VI 1) The High School etc..
111; 64722 - Statute and ordinance made by the governors of the Free Grammar School of King Edward the Sixth, in Birmingham, for the appointment of an additional master in the classical school and two additional masters in the school for modern languages. 3pp. 1850. Bound with 64718. Grammar Schools of King Edward VI. 1) The High School etc..
111; 64723 - Statute and ordinance made by the governors of the Free Grammar School of King Edward the Sixth, in Birmingham, for establishing and regulating the four elementary schools, namely, in Gem Street, Edward Street, Meriden Street, Bath Row (or rather Pigott Street) 1852. 3pp. 1852. Bound with 64718. Grammar Schools of King Edward VI. 3) Bath Row Grammar School.
111; 64724 - Statute and ordinance for amending the scheme for the regulations of the Grammar School of King Edward the Sixth, in Birmingham. Sheet. 1855. Bound with 64718. Grammar Schools of King Edward VI. 1) The High School etc..
111; 64725 - Schemes for the management of the Free Grammar School of King Edward VI., in Birmingham and of a charity founded by the will of John Millward, 1654. (Endowed Schools Act, 1869) 24pp. 1873. Bound with 64717. Grammar Schools of King Edward VI. 1) The High School etc..
111; 64726 - Statute and ordinance for amending the scheme and statutes for the regulation of the Free Grammar School of King Edward the Sixth, in Birmingham. 8pp. 1860 Bound with 64718. Grammar Schools of King Edward VI 1) The High School etc..
111; 64727 - Charity Commission. In the matter of the Endowed Schools Acts, 1869, 1873 and 1874. Scheme for the management of the Free Grammar School of King Edward the Sixth, in Birmingham, and for the management of Foundations of John Milward and Joanna Lench. 17pp. 1877. Bound with 64717. Grammar Schools of King Edward VI 1) The High School etc..
111; 64728 - Scheme for the management of the Free Grammar School of King Edward the Sixth, in Birmingham. With analysis and suggestions for amendment made by the Free Grammar School Association. (Endowed Schools Commission) 28pp. 1872. Bound with 64717. Grammar Schools of King Edward VI. 1) The High School etc..
111; 64729 - K.E.S. Birmingham. Case of the governors of the school against the scheme of the Endowed Schools Commissioners for its management. 10pp. 1873. Bound with 64717 below. Grammar Schools of King Edward VI 1) The High School etc..
111; 65715 - Act to alter and amend an Act (1 & 2 Will IV., c.17) to enable the Governors of the Possessions, Revenues and Goods of the Free Grammar School of King Edward the Sixth in Birmingham to erect a Schoolhouse, Masters’ Houses and other suitable accommodations for the said School and to extend the objects of the Charity etc. (1 Vict., c.41) Reprint 1837. Bound with 65722 above. Grammar Schools of King Edward VI 1) The High School etc..
111; 65722 - An Act to enable the Governors of the Possessions, Revenues and Goods of the Free Grammar School of King Edward the Sixth, in Birmingham, to pull down the present Masters’ Houses and School House, and to erect more suitable Accomodations on a new Site, and to extend the Objects of the Charity; and to make certain Additions to the Estates of the said Charity by purchase etc. 52pp. 1830 NOTE :- Although called an Act this is really a Bill. It was brought before parliament in 1830, but was defeated. Grammar Schools of King Edward VI 1) The High School etc..
111; 65723 - Act to enable the Governors of the Possessions, Revenues and Goods of the Free Grammar School of King Edward the Sixth in Birmingham, to erect a School House, Masters’ Houses, and other suitable accommodations for the said School, and to extend the objects of the Charity etc. (1 & 2 Will IV., c.17. With index) Reprint 1831. Bound with 65422. Grammar Schools of King Edward VI 1) The High School etc..
111; 65723 - To enable the governors of the Possessions Revenues, and Goods of the Free Grammar School of King Edward the Sixth in Birmingham, to erect a School House, Masters' Houses, and other suitable accommodations for the said School and to extend the objects of the Charity etc. (1 & 2 Will. IV., c.17) With index -Reprint 1831. Bound with 65722. Acts of Parliament (Miscellaneous).
111; 65724 - Charity Commission. Birmingham Grammar School. Scheme for the Management of the Grammar School of King Edward the Sixth in Birmingham and the Foundations of John Milward and Joanna Lench. Draft. 15pp. 1875. Bound with 64717. Grammar Schools of King Edward VI 1) The High School etc..
111; 123789 - Act to enable the Governors of the Possessions, Revenues and Goods of the Free Grammar School of King Edward the Sixth in Birmingham, to erect a School House, Masters’ Houses, and other suitable accommodations for the said School, and to extend the objects of the Charity etc. (1 & 2 Will IV., c.17. With index) 1831. Grammar Schools of King Edward VI 1) The High School etc..
111; 411235 - Newspaper cuttings etc., relating to the Rev. E.F.M. MacCarthy, Headmaster of King Edward's Grammar School, Five Ways, Edgbaston, 1882 - 1916. Illus. 1889 - 1917. MacCARTHY (Rev. EGERTON FRANCIS MEAD) Works relating to.
111; 413873 - The Charter of King Edward the Sixth for a Free Grammar School in Birmingham. Copied from the Latin original with explanatory readings of its contractions and a translation into English. Illus. 1824. With Acts of Parliament relating to the school, schemes for its management, statutes and ordinances etc. 1831 - 1861. Printed for the use of the Governors. 1865.
111; 416139 - London Old Edwardians Association. Annual reports, circulars etc. 1920-21 --. Grammar Schools of King Edward VI 1) The High School etc..
111; 445714 - King Edward's School, New Street, Birmingham. Photographs and etchings by H.J. Whitlock and Sons Ltd. 1935. Whitlock (H.J.) and Sons, Ltd., photographers.
111; 449032 - King Edward's High School. List of documents, books and other papers relating to and preserved by King Edward's High School, Birmingham. Typescript. 1935. Manuscripts.
111; 496105 - Birmingham Girls' Old Edwardian Club. Leaflets etc. 1930--. Old Edwardians' Club [afterwards Association] (Birmingham).
111; 504161 - King Edward's Schools, Birmingham. Leaflets etc. With notices of Old Boys' meetings. 1879--. Old Edwardians' Club [afterwards Association] (Birmingham).
111; 528942 - Knight, Frank & Rutley, and Mathews (J) and Sons. Particulars, plans and conditions of sale of the freehold site of King Edward the Sixth's Schools, New Street, Birmingham. For sale by private treaty. Illus. Plans. 8pp. 1934. Sale Catalogues.
111; 663098 - Grammar schools of King Edward VI. II, Aston Grammar School. [Leaflets, newscuttings etc.].
112; 663229 - The history of Hazelwood School, Birmingham, and its influence on educational developments in the nineteenth century.
113; 256488 - Birmingham Blue Coat Charity School. A collection of hymn sheets. Broadsides. 1724 – 1840. Hymn Books.
113; 539291 - Birmingham Blue Coat School. (Hastings) 24 photographs. 1897. Photographid Tourists' Association.
115; 144550 - Edgabaston Church of England College for Girls, Limited. Memorandum and articles of Association. With a collection of proofs and final copies of prospectuses etc. Illus. Plans. 31pp. 1885. Church of England College for Girls (Edgbaston).
115; 472971 - Newspaper cuttings relating to church schools and the Birmingham Church Schools Association. 1895 - 1904. Church Schools Association for the Archdeaconry of Birmingham.
221; 663024 - [Election literature, 1892].
233; 139798 - Edgbaston High School for Girls, Limited. Report and accounts 1876-7, 1st. 1879/80 - 1889/90, 1892-3. 1877--. Edgbaston High School for Girls.
902; 315895 - University Gazette (The) The journal of the University of Birmingham. Vols. 1 - 6 (December 1924 - July 1930) 6 volumes. Illus. 1924-30 NOTE - Continued as The Mermaid, New Series.
902; 663452 - The students' role in 1968 : an account by the registrar of a one-week demonstration by students and the events which led up to it.
902; 804974 - The Hospital - a place of truth: a study of the role of the hospital chaplain.
906; 140951 - Voting list for election of Committee, and list of members etc. for 1897-8 - 1906-7. With programmes of annual dinners. 10 volumes. 1897 - 1907. University Graduates' Club (Birmingham).
906; 303153 - University of Birmingham annual play. Performed at the Birmingham and Midland Institute. Programme. 1921 etc.. Midland Institute (Birmingham and).
906; 342242 - H.S.F. Newsletter: the journal of the History Students (Fellowship), University of Birmingham. Volumes 1-2 (1926-30) Typescript. 2 volumes. All issued. 1926-30.
906; 660749 - [Leaflets, programmes, etc.].
906; 663101 - [Leaflets, programmes etc.].
967; 804972 - The Eucharist at Solihull through the centuries : the texts of three liturgies to be celebrated in the Parish Church of Saint Alphege, Solihull at the close of the 750th anniversary celebrations / edited and annotated with an introduction by W. Jardine Gr
967; 804972 - The Eucharist at Solihull through the centuries : the texts of three liturgies to be celebrated in the Parish Church of St. Alphege, Solihull, at the close of the 750th anniversary celebration.
967; 804973 - Mobility and religious commitment / [by] Geoffrey K. Nelson and Rosemary A. Clews.
967; 804975 - Research bulletin / Birmingham University Institute for the Study of Worship and Religious Architecture.
972; 380396 - Birmingham Bureau of Research on Russian Economic Conditions. Russian Department, University of Birmingham. Memoranda edited by S. Konovalov. 1931-- No. 1. i. Remarks on the Five Year Plan; ii. Compulsory labour in the U.S.S.R. Tables. 19pp No. 2. The Foreign trade of the U.S.S.R. Graphs. Tables. 24pp No. 3. The National income of the U.S.S.R. Tables. 16pp No. 4. The Balance of payments and the foreign debt of the U.S.S.R. Tables. 24pp. No. 5. i. Remarks on the Five Year Plan. ii. Agricultural collectivization. iii. Oil consumption and export. Tables. 23pp No. 6. Wages of industrial workers in the U.S.S.R. Tables. 24pp. No. 7. i. Foreigh trade. ii. Monetary conditions. iii. Indices of wholesale prices. iv. State budget. Tables. 24pp. No. 8. The Communist policy towards the peasant and the food crisis in the U.S.S.R. With bibliographical notes. Tables. 24pp. No. 9. Foreign trade of the U.S.S.R. Tables. 23pp. No. 10. Remarks on the second Five Year Plan; prospects of realisation Tables. 15pp. No. 11. i. New tendencies. ii. Heavy industry. iii. Railway transport. Tables. 8pp. No. 12. Results of the second Five Year Plan and the project of the third Five Year Plan. With bibliographical notes. Tables. 20pp.. University.
972; 462908 - Birmingham Information Service on Slavonic Countries. Monographs. No. 1--. 1936--
972; 467610 - Bibliography. Translated by H. Reybekiel. In Wortley (B.A.) Poland's new codes of law. (Birmingham University. Birmingham Information Service on Slavonic Countries, Monograph No. 3) 20pp. 1937. RAPPAPORT (EMILE ST.).
972; 467611 - National income of Poland. (Birmingham University, Birmingham Information Service on Slavonic Countries, Monograph No. 3). Chart. 16pp. 1937.
80291 - National Education League Monthly Paper. Numbers 1 - 87. December 1869 - March, 1877. All published. 3 volumes. 1869 - 1977. Education League (National).
Expand 49 - Other Services (Gas, Electricity)49 - Other Services (Gas, Electricity)
Expand 50 - Culture in Birmingham50 - Culture in Birmingham
Expand 51 - Literary Associations51 - Literary Associations
Expand 52 - Literary Associations (Birmingham and Midland Writers Only)52 - Literary Associations (Birmingham and Midland Writers Only)
Expand 53 - Libraries53 - Libraries
Expand 54 - Fine Arts, artists, Printing, Sculpture54 - Fine Arts, artists, Printing, Sculpture
Expand 55 - Music55 - Music
Expand 56 - Architecture in Birmingham56 - Architecture in Birmingham
Expand 57 - Public Buildings57 - Public Buildings
Expand 58 - Domestic Architecture, Household Effecrs, Gardens58 - Domestic Architecture, Household Effecrs, Gardens
Expand 59 - Other Cutural Activities59 - Other Cutural Activities
Expand 60 - Economic History and Theory60 - Economic History and Theory
Expand 61 - Industrial Organisation61 - Industrial Organisation
Expand 62 - Commerce, Commercial Interests62 - Commerce, Commercial Interests
Expand 63 - Finance, Banking, Public Finance63 - Finance, Banking, Public Finance
Expand 64 - Trades and Manufactures64 - Trades and Manufactures
Expand 65 - Engineering and Technology65 - Engineering and Technology
Expand 66 - Chemical and Allied Industries66 - Chemical and Allied Industries
Expand 67 - Manufactures67 - Manufactures
Expand 68 - Specialised Trades and Craftys68 - Specialised Trades and Craftys
Expand 69 - Other Industries69 - Other Industries
Expand 70 - History: Sources70 - History: Sources
Expand 71 - History: General71 - History: General
Expand 72 - History: Before the Conquest72 - History: Before the Conquest
Expand 73 - Histories of Specific Periods73 - Histories of Specific Periods
Expand 74 - Relations with Foreign Countires. Colonial Relations74 - Relations with Foreign Countires. Colonial Relations
Expand 75 - Military, Naval and Air History75 - Military, Naval and Air History
Expand 76 - Political History76 - Political History
Expand 77 - Geneaology, Heraldry77 - Geneaology, Heraldry
Expand 78 - Biography78 - Biography
Expand 79 - Collections of Portraits, Catalogues of Portraits79 - Collections of Portraits, Catalogues of Portraits
Expand 80 - Topography and description80 - Topography and description
81 - Birmingham as described by foreign travellers
82 - Vestiges of Old Birmingham and Midlands
83 - Guides to Birmiongham and Surrounding Country
Expand 84 - Maps and Plans84 - Maps and Plans
Expand 85 - Views, Prospects, Panoramas85 - Views, Prospects, Panoramas
Expand 86 - Improvement Schemes to 193986 - Improvement Schemes to 1939
Expand 87 - Reconstruction and Redevelopment: 1940s onwards87 - Reconstruction and Redevelopment: 1940s onwards
Expand 88 - Conservation, Environment88 - Conservation, Environment
Expand 89 - Particular streets and localites89 - Particular streets and localites
Expand 90 - Parishes90 - Parishes
Expand 91 - Suburbs and Districs in Warwickshire91 - Suburbs and Districs in Warwickshire
Expand 92 - Suburbs and Districts transferred from Worcestershie92 - Suburbs and Districts transferred from Worcestershie
Expand 93 - Suburbs and Districts transferred from Stafforsdhire93 - Suburbs and Districts transferred from Stafforsdhire
Expand 94 - Herefordshire94 - Herefordshire
Expand 95 - Shropshire95 - Shropshire
Expand 96 - Staffordshire96 - Staffordshire
Expand 97 - Warwickshire97 - Warwickshire
Expand 98 - Worcesrtershire98 - Worcesrtershire
Expand 99 - West Midlands, Black Country99 - West Midlands, Black Country
Expand FF - Extra large volumesFF - Extra large volumes
Expand p - Pamphletsp - Pamphlets
Expand pp - Large pamphletspp - Large pamphlets
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