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Expand B.Col - The Birmingham CollectionB.Col - The Birmingham Collection
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Expand 01 - Physical Aspects01 - Physical Aspects
Expand 02 - Geology02 - Geology
Expand 03 - Natural History03 - Natural History
Expand 04 - Meteorology04 - Meteorology
Expand 05 - General Works05 - General Works
Expand 06 - Directories06 - Directories
Expand 07 - Book Trade in Birmingham07 - Book Trade in Birmingham
Expand 08 - Periodicals and Newspapers08 - Periodicals and Newspapers
Expand 09 - Bibilography on all aspects of the history of Birmingham09 - Bibilography on all aspects of the history of Birmingham
Expand 10 - Religion10 - Religion
Expand 11 - Ecclesiology, Church Buildings, Art, Furniture11 - Ecclesiology, Church Buildings, Art, Furniture
12 - Monastic Birmingham
Expand 13 - Church of England General Histories13 - Church of England General Histories
Expand 14 - Diocese of Birmingham. Archdeaconary of Birmingham14 - Diocese of Birmingham. Archdeaconary of Birmingham
Expand 15 - Diocese of Birmingham. Archdeaconary of Aston15 - Diocese of Birmingham. Archdeaconary of Aston
Expand 17 - Roman Catholic Church17 - Roman Catholic Church
Expand 18 - Nonconformists Dissenters18 - Nonconformists Dissenters
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Expand 20 - Social Life20 - Social Life
Expand 21 - Social Life Special Classes21 - Social Life Special Classes
Expand 22 - Customs of Public and Private Life, Pageants, Festivals Ceremonies and Other Customs22 - Customs of Public and Private Life, Pageants, Festivals Ceremonies and Other Customs
Expand 23 - Inns, Taverns, Public Houses, Hotels, Hospitaity, customes connected with eating and drinking23 - Inns, Taverns, Public Houses, Hotels, Hospitaity, customes connected with eating and drinking
Expand 24 - Clubs and Societies24 - Clubs and Societies
Expand 25 - Amusements, Recreation, Sports and Pastimes25 - Amusements, Recreation, Sports and Pastimes
Expand 26 - Circuses, Fair and Similar Shows26 - Circuses, Fair and Similar Shows
Expand 27 - Parks, Open Spaces, Public Gardens and Pleasure Gardens27 - Parks, Open Spaces, Public Gardens and Pleasure Gardens
Expand 28 - Theatres, Music Halls28 - Theatres, Music Halls
29 - Legends, Ghost Apparitions, Hauntings
Expand 30 - History of Birmingham Government from ealiest times30 - History of Birmingham Government from ealiest times
Expand 31 - City Corporation, The Mayor, Aldermen and Council Collectively31 - City Corporation, The Mayor, Aldermen and Council Collectively
Expand 32 - Mayoralty32 - Mayoralty
33 - Aldermen
Expand 34 - City Council34 - City Council
Expand 35 - Freedom Qualifications, Rights and Duties of Citizens35 - Freedom Qualifications, Rights and Duties of Citizens
Expand 36 - City Officials and Departments36 - City Officials and Departments
Expand 38 - Town Hall38 - Town Hall
Expand 39 - Regional Government39 - Regional Government
Expand 40 - Statistics, Yearbooks of General Statistics40 - Statistics, Yearbooks of General Statistics
Expand 41 - Poor, Life and Labour41 - Poor, Life and Labour
Expand 42 - Crimes, Offences, Misdemeanours, Juvenile Crime, Special Crimes42 - Crimes, Offences, Misdemeanours, Juvenile Crime, Special Crimes
Expand 43 - Laws, Admisitration of Justice43 - Laws, Admisitration of Justice
Expand 44 - Markets and Food Supply44 - Markets and Food Supply
Expand 45 - Public Health45 - Public Health
Expand 46 - Medicine Hospitals46 - Medicine Hospitals
Expand 47 - Transport, Communication, Traffic Problems47 - Transport, Communication, Traffic Problems
Expand 48 - Education, Teaching and Teachers, History and Description of Schools,48 - Education, Teaching and Teachers, History and Description of Schools,
Expand 49 - Other Services (Gas, Electricity)49 - Other Services (Gas, Electricity)
Expand 50 - Culture in Birmingham50 - Culture in Birmingham
Expand 51 - Literary Associations51 - Literary Associations
Expand 52 - Literary Associations (Birmingham and Midland Writers Only)52 - Literary Associations (Birmingham and Midland Writers Only)
Expand 53 - Libraries53 - Libraries
Expand 54 - Fine Arts, artists, Printing, Sculpture54 - Fine Arts, artists, Printing, Sculpture
Expand 55 - Music55 - Music
Expand 56 - Architecture in Birmingham56 - Architecture in Birmingham
Expand 57 - Public Buildings57 - Public Buildings
Expand 58 - Domestic Architecture, Household Effecrs, Gardens58 - Domestic Architecture, Household Effecrs, Gardens
Expand 59 - Other Cutural Activities59 - Other Cutural Activities
Expand 60 - Economic History and Theory60 - Economic History and Theory
Expand 61 - Industrial Organisation61 - Industrial Organisation
Expand 62 - Commerce, Commercial Interests62 - Commerce, Commercial Interests
Collapse 63 - Finance, Banking, Public Finance63 - Finance, Banking, Public Finance
2; 528935 - Newspaper cuttings. 18pp. 1866-69. Birmingham Banking Company.
3; 245599 - Memorandum and articles of association of the South Birmingham Permanent Money Society, Limited. 3pp. 20pp. 1905. South Birmingham Permanent Money Society :-.
3; 322169 - Annual report and balance sheet. 1902; 1905-12; 1916; 1918 etc. 1903 etc.. South Birmingham Permanent Money Society :-.
5; 90237 - Resolutions to be submitted to a special meeting, 5th October 1880. Circular relating to the proposed incorporation. 1880. Exchange (Birmingham).
5; 90238 - Report of the committee presented to the annual general meeting. 1880. 1st after incorporation - 40th. 1881 - 1920. Exchange (Birmingham).
5; 90240 - Proposed resolutions altering the Articles of Association. A circular. 1882. Exchange (Birmingham).
5; 224136 - Annual Report. With the regulations and list of subscribers. 3rd (1863-4); 6th - 14th; 17th; 18th. 12 volumes. 1864-80. Exchange (Birmingham).
6; 227954 - Mutual Bakery, Ltd." November 1910 – October 1921. Ports. 14 volumes. 1910-21 NOTE - Continued as "Ideals". Mutual Help : official organ of the "Ideal Benefit Society".
6; 751755 - Britannic Assurance Company Limited: 1866-1966 : [a chronological history].
7; 173744 - Friendly Benefit Building Society. Annual Report, 40th, 1899-1900 - 71st, 1930-31 32 volumes. NOTE :- For reports after 1931 see Building Society (Birmingham Incorporated). Building Society (Friendly Benefit) formerly Friendly Building and Investment Society,.
7; 282730 - Prospectus. 18th edition. 1865 NOTE - Bound with reports 282731 LF63.7. Land Society (Birmingham Freehold) (formerly Birmingham and Midland.
7; 282731 - Annual reports 5th (1851-2); 9th (1855-6); 53rd (1899 – 1900) to 83rd (1929 – 1930) 33 volumes. 1852 – 1930 NOTE - For reports after 1930 see Building Society (Birmingham Incorporated). Land Society (Birmingham Freehold) (formerly Birmingham and Midland.
7; 311303 - Prospectuses, 7th edn. [c. 1850], 18th edn., [1865], 31st edn., 1885, 36th edn. 1890 and 38th edn. 1895.
7; 662362 - Annual return ...
8; 8176 - Budget : city of Birmingham.
13; 64034 - Fuller and Horsey. The Soho Mint, near Birmingham. Catalogue of the machinery and plant etc., which will be sold by auction, April 29th 1850. With newspaper cuttings. 46pp. 1850. Sale Catalogues.
14; 243144 - (Newspaper cuttings) Mystery of Booth's Farm: an old Birmingham story, by J.C. Walters and other cuttings relating to Booth collected by G.H. Osborne. 1867- 1908. BOOTH (WILLIAM) coiner and forger, Works relating to.
14; 459373 - Mystery of Booth's Farm. An old Birmingham story by J.C. Walters. Newspaper cuttings from the Birmingham Weekly Mercury, July 7th - November 3rd 1888. *WALTERS (JOHN CUMING) pseud. Ignotus.
21; 379981 - Report of directors and statement of assets and liabilities ...
21; 379981 - Report of directors and statement of assets and liabilities. 1st - 39th. 1865 - 1896. 39 volumes. 1866-97. Lloyds Bank.
21; 380020 - Report of directors and statement of assets and liabilities. 40th - 97th. (1897 - 1954.) 1898 - 1954 NOTE - 1st to 15th reports issued bi-annually, 16th report etc. issued annually. Called: 1865-1884 - Lloyds Banking Company Limited; 1885-1888 - Lloyds, Barnetts & Bosanquets Bank Limited. From 1955 included in Report and accounts. Catalogue number 660297. LBF63.21. Lloyds Bank.
21; 380218 - Report of the annual meeting of shareholders. 21st - 22nd (1879 - 1880); 24th - 26th (1882 - 1884); 32nd - 62nd (1890 - 1920). 36 volumes. 1879 - 1920. Lloyds Bank.
21; 380218 - [Report of the] annual meeting of shareholders ...
21; 380254 - Report of the annual meeting of shareholders. 63rd - 65th (1921 - 1923); 67th - 97th (1925 - 1954). 1921 - 1954 NOTE - 1. 1st to 20th, 23rd, 27th - 31st and 66th reports wanting 2 From 1955 included in Report and accounts. Catalogue no. 660297. LBF63.21. Lloyds Bank.
21; 528936 - Lloyds Banking Company Limited. Newspaper cuttings, circulars etc. 18pp. 1884 - 1921. Lloyds Bank.
28; 405533 - National Savings Movement. Region 6. West Midlands. Statistics (also called Report to Regional Conference and Review of work) 1923-24 - . Typescript. 1924 - NOTE - 1. Wants Report 1930-31 2. 1939-40 to 1945-46 not published. Savings Movement (National).
29; 416511 - Birmingham Municipal Bank. New Head Offices. Souvenir of opening ceremony performed by H.R.H. Prince George, 27th November 1933. Ports. Illus. 84pp. 1934. George Edward Alexander Edmund, Duke of Kent.
29; 663481 - Golden jubilee 1919-1969 : [commemorative brochure including menu of commemorative dinner held on 3rd September 1969].
41; 382013 - Review of bankruptcy proceedings in the Birmingham district for the year 1930 -- Typescript. County Court.
82; 270023 - Borough of Birmingham. Tracings of property in Ladywood, Market Hall and St. Pauls Wards used by Mr. Richard Clarke in the revaluation of the Borough for purposes of assessment, 1870-71. Manuscript. c.1870. CLARKE (RICHARD).
83; 529351 - Birmingham Corporation stock. Prospectuses, leaflets etc. 16pp. 1876-95. Corporation.
Expand 64 - Trades and Manufactures64 - Trades and Manufactures
Expand 65 - Engineering and Technology65 - Engineering and Technology
Expand 66 - Chemical and Allied Industries66 - Chemical and Allied Industries
Expand 67 - Manufactures67 - Manufactures
Expand 68 - Specialised Trades and Craftys68 - Specialised Trades and Craftys
Expand 69 - Other Industries69 - Other Industries
Expand 70 - History: Sources70 - History: Sources
Expand 71 - History: General71 - History: General
Expand 72 - History: Before the Conquest72 - History: Before the Conquest
Expand 73 - Histories of Specific Periods73 - Histories of Specific Periods
Expand 74 - Relations with Foreign Countires. Colonial Relations74 - Relations with Foreign Countires. Colonial Relations
Expand 75 - Military, Naval and Air History75 - Military, Naval and Air History
Expand 76 - Political History76 - Political History
Expand 77 - Geneaology, Heraldry77 - Geneaology, Heraldry
Expand 78 - Biography78 - Biography
Expand 79 - Collections of Portraits, Catalogues of Portraits79 - Collections of Portraits, Catalogues of Portraits
Expand 80 - Topography and description80 - Topography and description
81 - Birmingham as described by foreign travellers
82 - Vestiges of Old Birmingham and Midlands
83 - Guides to Birmiongham and Surrounding Country
Expand 84 - Maps and Plans84 - Maps and Plans
Expand 85 - Views, Prospects, Panoramas85 - Views, Prospects, Panoramas
Expand 86 - Improvement Schemes to 193986 - Improvement Schemes to 1939
Expand 87 - Reconstruction and Redevelopment: 1940s onwards87 - Reconstruction and Redevelopment: 1940s onwards
Expand 88 - Conservation, Environment88 - Conservation, Environment
Expand 89 - Particular streets and localites89 - Particular streets and localites
Expand 90 - Parishes90 - Parishes
Expand 91 - Suburbs and Districs in Warwickshire91 - Suburbs and Districs in Warwickshire
Expand 92 - Suburbs and Districts transferred from Worcestershie92 - Suburbs and Districts transferred from Worcestershie
Expand 93 - Suburbs and Districts transferred from Stafforsdhire93 - Suburbs and Districts transferred from Stafforsdhire
Expand 94 - Herefordshire94 - Herefordshire
Expand 95 - Shropshire95 - Shropshire
Expand 96 - Staffordshire96 - Staffordshire
Expand 97 - Warwickshire97 - Warwickshire
Expand 98 - Worcesrtershire98 - Worcesrtershire
Expand 99 - West Midlands, Black Country99 - West Midlands, Black Country
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