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L - Local Studies and History book collection
. - Main series (octavo)
B.Col - The Birmingham Collection
F - Large volumes (folio)
01 - Physical Aspects
02 - Geology
03 - Natural History
04 - Meteorology
05 - General Works
06 - Directories
07 - Book Trade in Birmingham
08 - Periodicals and Newspapers
09 - Bibilography on all aspects of the history of Birmingham
10 - Religion
11 - Ecclesiology, Church Buildings, Art, Furniture
12 - Monastic Birmingham
13 - Church of England General Histories
14 - Diocese of Birmingham. Archdeaconary of Birmingham
15 - Diocese of Birmingham. Archdeaconary of Aston
17 - Roman Catholic Church
18 - Nonconformists Dissenters
19 - Minor Denominations
20 - Social Life
21 - Social Life Special Classes
22 - Customs of Public and Private Life, Pageants, Festivals Ceremonies and Other Customs
23 - Inns, Taverns, Public Houses, Hotels, Hospitaity, customes connected with eating and drinking
24 - Clubs and Societies
25 - Amusements, Recreation, Sports and Pastimes
26 - Circuses, Fair and Similar Shows
27 - Parks, Open Spaces, Public Gardens and Pleasure Gardens
28 - Theatres, Music Halls
29 - Legends, Ghost Apparitions, Hauntings
30 - History of Birmingham Government from ealiest times
31 - City Corporation, The Mayor, Aldermen and Council Collectively
32 - Mayoralty
33 - Aldermen
34 - City Council
35 - Freedom Qualifications, Rights and Duties of Citizens
36 - City Officials and Departments
38 - Town Hall
39 - Regional Government
40 - Statistics, Yearbooks of General Statistics
41 - Poor, Life and Labour
42 - Crimes, Offences, Misdemeanours, Juvenile Crime, Special Crimes
43 - Laws, Admisitration of Justice
44 - Markets and Food Supply
45 - Public Health
46 - Medicine Hospitals
47 - Transport, Communication, Traffic Problems
48 - Education, Teaching and Teachers, History and Description of Schools,
49 - Other Services (Gas, Electricity)
50 - Culture in Birmingham
51 - Literary Associations
52 - Literary Associations (Birmingham and Midland Writers Only)
53 - Libraries
54 - Fine Arts, artists, Printing, Sculpture
55 - Music
56 - Architecture in Birmingham
57 - Public Buildings
58 - Domestic Architecture, Household Effecrs, Gardens
59 - Other Cutural Activities
60 - Economic History and Theory
61 - Industrial Organisation
62 - Commerce, Commercial Interests
63 - Finance, Banking, Public Finance
64 - Trades and Manufactures
65 - Engineering and Technology
66 - Chemical and Allied Industries
67 - Manufactures
68 - Specialised Trades and Craftys
69 - Other Industries
70 - History: Sources
71 - History: General
72 - History: Before the Conquest
73 - Histories of Specific Periods
74 - Relations with Foreign Countires. Colonial Relations
75 - Military, Naval and Air History
76 - Political History
01 Missing; 85313 - [Missing] Plan of the parliamentary borough of Birmingham, coloured to show parliamentary divisions and wards, with alphabetical list of streets. (Borough Surveyor's Office) 1885. Maps.
01; 85313 - Plan of the Parliamentary Borough of Birmingham (coloured to show parliamentary divisions and wards with alphabetical list of streets) (Borough Surveyor's Office) 1885. BOUNDARIES.
01; 103741 - Plan of the Parliamentary Borough of Birmingham (coloured to show parliamentary divisions and wards) (G. Richmond) 1889. BOUNDARIES.
1; 300847 - Programmes, leaflets, etc. ... ; with, Annual reports ...
7; 663439 - The tip of the iceberg : Birmingham M.P.s and local issues, 1939-1966.
8; 243686 - [A collection of circulars, handbills, etc. : issued in connection with Handsworth Parliamentary elections].
8; 669580 - The general elections of 1922, 1923 and 1924-- Birmingham : a dissertation submitted towards a B.A. (Hon.), School of History, Univ. of Birmingham.
8; 789395 - Staffordshire elections, 1715-1832.
09; 78795 - Free Lance (The) A monthly journal of independent criticism and humour. Numbers 1 - 15. November 1885 - January 1887. Ports. Illus. Cartoons. 1885-7.
09; 78847 - Free Lance (The) A monthly journal of independent criticism and humour. Numbers 1 - 15. November 1885 - January 1887. Ports. Illus. Cartoons. 1885-7.
9; 106072 - General Election, 1868. A collection of posters, handbills, newspaper cuttings etc. 1868. Elections (Parliamentary).
09; 121551 - The Burgess. An independent journal devoted to the interests of the ratepayers of Birmingham. Volumes 1 - 6. December 1893 - January 1899. All published. 6 volumes. Cartoons. 1893-9. BERNASCONI (GEORGE H.) Works illustrated by.
9; 388828 - Newspaper cuttings relating to the Parliamentary General Election of 1931 etc.. Elections (Parliamentary).
9; 662832 - A Chamberlain picture book : no. 1 of a special general election issue of "Picture-Politics".
11; 60733 - Report of the proceedings at the grand meeting of the Birmingham Political Union, at New Hall Hill, May 7th 1832. 4pp. 1832 NOTE - Bound with Political Union Posters Vol. 2. 244400. LF76.11. Reform Movement, 1817 – 1832.
11; 60738 - Address of the Council of the Birmingham Political Union to all their fellow- countrymen in the United Kingdom, June 12th 1832 NOTE - In Political Union Vol. 2. Reform Movement, 1817 – 1832.
11; 60742 - Birmingham Political Union. A leaflet, dated 19th February 1833, on the Irish Reform Bill. 1833 NOTE - In Political Union Vol. 2. Reform Movement, 1817 – 1832.
11; 60743 - Great meeting on Newhall Hill. A leaflet dated 9th May, 1833. 1833. *ATTWOOD (THOMAS) M.P. for Birmingham.
11; 136143 - Muntz (G.F.) Hints to the Birmingham Electors. Speech at the meeting of the friends of T. Attwood. A broadside. 1832. In 244400B Political Union Vol. 2. ATTWOOD (THOMAS) M.P. for Birmingham. Works relating to.
11; 151425 - Your fate is in your hands! Report of the meeting held at Newhall Hill, May 10 1832, with the Petition. Broadside NOTE - Bound with Birmingham Policial Union Posters Vol. 2. 244400. LF76.11. Reform Movement, 1817 – 1832.
11; 244400 - Broadsides, leaflets etc., issued in connection with the Birmingham Political Union. c.1830-32. Reform Movement, 1817 – 1832.
12; 60377 - Copy of Mr. Dundas's Report and the evidence on the investigation held at Birmingham, respecting the riots of 15th July, 1839 etc. 1840. DUNDAS (DAVID). (Chartists riots in the Bull Ring).
13; 43755 - Proceedings of Working Men's Associations : newspaper cuttings etc.
21; 12287 - The Third Member for Birmingham. Pro tem. Edited by Aunt Jane. A Conservative weekly issued in connection with the Parliamentary election, 1868. Numbers 1 - 16, July 30 - November 12, 1868. All published. Cartoons. 1868. Elections (Parliamentary).
21; 12287 - Third Member for Birmingham (The). Pro tem. Edited by Aunt Jane. A Conservative weekly issued in connection with the parliamentary election, 1868. Nos. 1 - 16 (July 30th - November 12th 1868) All published. Cartoons. 1868.
21; 60307 - Edmonds's Weekly Recorder and Saturday Advertiser. Numbers 1 - 8, June 26 - August 7, 1819. All published NOTE :- Succeeded by Edmonds's Weekly Register. EDMONDS (GEORGE) Works edited by.
21; 74296 - Edmonds's Weekly Register. Numbers 1 - 19, August 26. Preceded by Edmonds's Weekly Recorder. EDMONDS (GEORGE) Works edited by.
21; 231585 - Posters, leaflets, tickets etc. 1890 --. Conservative Association (Birmingham).
21; 327333 - Progress. A monthly journal issued by the Yardley Division Unionist Association. Numbers 1 – 12. 1925-26 NOTE - Publication ceased soon after the issue of No. 12 (July 1926). Last few issues unobtainable.
21; 354158 - "Unionist Messenger" (The) Official organ of the King's Norton Division Unionist Association, comprising the wards of King's Norton, Selly Oak, and Northfield. Nos. 1 - 3 (November 1928 - May 1929) 1928-9.
21; 465484 - Annual reports, leaflets etc. 1927 --. Unionist Association (Moseley Division).
21; 496106 - Leaflets etc. 1926 --. Unionist Association (Sparkbrook).
21; 535033 - Leaflets, tickets etc. 1892. Conservative Association (Birmingham) Balsall Heath Association.
21; 663159 - [Leaflets, newscuttings, etc. relating to the Conservative party in Birmingham].
22; 178096 - Annual report (1900-1) 4th - 15th. 1901 - 1915. Socialist Centre (Birmingham).
22; 325261 - The Labour torch: A light on labour matters in the Yardley Division – and elsewhere. Official organ of the Yardley Divisional Labour Party. September 1924 etc. 1924 etc.. Labour Party (Yardley Divisional).
22; 350307 - The Labour Party. 28th Annual Conference held in the Town Hall, Birmingham, October 1928. Programme of arrangements, Agenda, Report of Executive Committee etc. 1928. Town Hall (Concerts, Lectures, Meetings etc., held in the).
22; 350924 - King's Norton Labour News (The) Official organ of the King's Norton Divisional Labour Party. Numbers 2 – 17 (February 1928 – May 1929) New series, Numbers 1 (September 1929) – NOTE - 1. No. 1 wanting 2. From New series, Number 34 (September 1941) incorporating the Northfield Messenger. Labour Party (King's Norton Divisional).
22; 662407 - A decade of progress : Labour's elections statement, Municipal elections, 1962.
23; 22811 - Liberal Review (Birmingham). Weekly. Nos. 1 – 30 (March 20 – October 9, 1880). All published. 1880.
23; 72455 - Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Birmingham Liberal Club Building Company, Limited. 10pp. 1881 NOTE - Bound with 283680 above. Liberal Club Building Company (Birmingham).
23; 72456 - The Birmingham Liberal Club Building Company, Limited, and the Birmingham Liberal Club. Draft. Heads of suggested agreement. 2pp. 1881? NOTE - Bound with 283680 below. Liberal Club (Birmingham).
23; 72457 - Report of the Sites Committee, 1881. 4pp. 1881 NOTE - Bound with 283680 above. Liberal Club (Birmingham).
23; 135544 - The Liberal. A journal of political and municipal information. Published for the Birmingham Liberal Association. Nos. 1 – 12 (October 1896 - September 1897) Ports. Cartoons. All published. 1896-7. Liberal Association (Birmingham).
23; 159665 - The Man in the Street. Talks on current topics. Published monthly by the Birmingham Liberal Association. Vol.s 1 – 12 (June 1901 – May 1913). Ports. Illus. All published. 12 volumes. 1901-13. Liberal Association (Birmingham).
23; 189285 - A collection of bills, circulars, leaflets, programmes etc. 1904 - 1925. Young British Liberals' Society.
23; 224054 - Report and balance sheet for 1883, 1885. 2 volumes. 1884-6 NOTE - Bound with 283680 above. Liberal Club Building Company (Birmingham).
23; 248949 - [A collection of programmes, tickets, balance sheets, handbills, etc., of the Handsworth Ward Liberal Association].
23; 270958 - Annual report. 2nd (1880 – 1886); 1892-3; 1913 – 1916; 1919. 1881 – 1920. Liberal Club (Birmingham).
23; 274545 - Newspaper cuttings relating to East Worcestershire Liberal Unionist Association etc. 1893 - 1903. Worcestershire (East) Liberal Unionist Association.
23; 283680 - Circulars etc. 1878 etc.. Liberal Club (Birmingham).
23; 387841 - Bazaar and fancy fair, 1931. Leaflets, posters etc. 1931. Liberal Association (Birmingham).
23; 413058 - Birmingham Liberal (The) 1933-35. Published by the Birmingham Liberal Association. All published. Port. 2 volumes. 1933-35.
23; 413058 - The Birmingham Liberal. Periodical published by the Birmingham Liberal Association. 1933-35. Port. 2 volumes. 1933-35 NOTE - All published. Liberal Association (Birmingham).
23; 502224 - Officers, 1873; annual reports, 1898-9; 1902-3; 1904-5; 1908-9; 1909-10 to 1914-15. 10 volumes. 1899 – 1915 NOTE - The reports for 1908-9 and 1909-10 are typescript. Liberal Association (Birmingham).
25; 488075 - Report to fifteenth Congress of the Communist Party of Great Britain held in Birmingham on economic security, peace and democracy. Typescript. 55pp. 1938. Communist Party of Great Britain, Birmingham Congress, 1938.
25; 574627 - The Communist Party of Great Britain, Midlands District Committee. Leaflets, etc. 1939 --. Communist Party of Great Britain (Birmingham and Midlands District).
91; 397607 - Cartoons from the Birmingham Dart, Owl and other periodicals. Collected by J. Macmillan. 8 volumes. 1819 - 1914. Caricatures.
91; 442237 - A collection of cartoons, drawn by E.C. Mountfort. From "The Dart" January 9th 1885 – December 30th 1892. 1885-92. MOUNTFORT (ERNEST CHESMER) Work illustrated by.
91; 442237 - Mountfort (E.C.) A collection of cartoons drawn by E.C. Mountfort. From The Dart January 9th, 1885 - December 30th, 1892. 1885-92.
221; 372310 - Deritend Commonwealth : [newspaper].
60821 - Newspaper cuttings : politics.
77 - Geneaology, Heraldry
78 - Biography
79 - Collections of Portraits, Catalogues of Portraits
80 - Topography and description
81 - Birmingham as described by foreign travellers
82 - Vestiges of Old Birmingham and Midlands
83 - Guides to Birmiongham and Surrounding Country
84 - Maps and Plans
85 - Views, Prospects, Panoramas
86 - Improvement Schemes to 1939
87 - Reconstruction and Redevelopment: 1940s onwards
88 - Conservation, Environment
89 - Particular streets and localites
90 - Parishes
91 - Suburbs and Districs in Warwickshire
92 - Suburbs and Districts transferred from Worcestershie
93 - Suburbs and Districts transferred from Stafforsdhire
94 - Herefordshire
95 - Shropshire
96 - Staffordshire
97 - Warwickshire
98 - Worcesrtershire
99 - West Midlands, Black Country
FF - Extra large volumes
p - Pamphlets
pp - Large pamphlets
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