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1 BAS; 403251 - Baskerville in Briefen. In Archiv fur Buchgewerbe und Gebrauchsgraphik (February) 1933. Port. Illus. (Leipzip) 1933. BOCKWITZ (HANS H.).
1 BAS; 415782 - Baskerville in letters. Translated into English by H. Woodbine. (Reprint of the edition reprinted from 'Archiv fur Buchgewerbe' at the Birmingham School of Printing). 15pp. (Ebenezer Baylis Booklets. III) (Worcester) 1934. BOCKWITZ (HANS H.).
1 BOD; 548580 - [A collection of typescript letters etc., newspaper articles and photostat prints of material relating to Dr. George Bodington, 1779-1882, of Sutton Coldfield and Dr. George Fowler Bodington and his descendents, of Vancouver, Canada].
1 BOU; 397963 - Matthew Boulton Centenary, August 17, 1909. Correspondence, portraits, newspaper cuttings etc. collected by W.J. Harris. 1788-1911. BOULTON (MATTHEW) Works relating to.
1 BOU; 467142 - Watt (J) Biographical sketches of Matthew Boulton. Manuscript. 1809 NOTE : Photostat reproduction made at the Birmingham Reference Library, 1937. BOULTON (MATTHEW) Works relating to.
1 BOU; 544104 - Foreword. In Watt (J) Memoir of Matthew Boulton, Glasgow, September 17th 1809. Printed at the City of Birmingham School of Printing, College of Arts and Crafts. 12pp. 1943. WESTWOOD (ARTHUR).
1 BRA; 69593 - BRAGGE (W.) Bibliotheca Nicotiana. A second catalogue of books about tobacco, collected by W. Bragge. Privately printed
1 BRA; 69593 - Bibliotheca Nicotiana: A Second catalogue of books about tobacco, etc. collected by W. Bragge, Birmingham (Privately printed) 1880. BRAGGE (WILLIAM) Works relating to.
1 BRA; 413434 - BRAGGE (W.) Bibliotheca Nicotiana. A second catalogue of books about tobacco, collected by W. Bragge. Privately printed. Differs from 65953
1 BRI; 114967 - Pall Mall Gazette "Extra". The John Bright celebration at Birmingham, 1883. A verbatim report of the speeches of John Bright, Mr. Chamberlain and Lord Granville. 32pp. 1883. Liberal Association (Birmingham).
1 BRI; 445120 - Newspaper cuttings etc. relating to John Bright 1883-89. BRIGHT (JOHN) M.P. for Birmingham. Works relating to.
1 Bir; 662750 - Diary of G.R. Bird, including weather reports and their effect upon canal traffic, 1820-30.
1 CHA; 662936 - Annual meeting of the Tariff Reform League, to be addressed by Rt. Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, M.P. : official programme and souvenir.
1 DAW; 663726 - [A collection of newspaper cuttings relating to George Dawson, 1859-1907].
1 DEA; 668996 - [School and examination certificates presented to Frederick Deakin].
1 DEE; 663048 - [Reminiscences, with reference to the Dial Glass Works, Stourbridge and the glass trade, 1825-1901].
1 GRI; - Address presented to Thomas Griffiths esq., late Chairman of the Harborne School Board, May 1884.
1 GRI; - Address presented to Thomas Griffiths esq., late chairman of the Harborne School Board, May 1884.
1 GRO; 663432 - Newscuttings concerning his term of office as Lord Mayor of Birmingham 1957-58.
1 HAL; 310586 - Powicke (F.J.) New light on an old English Presbyterian and bookman : The Rev. Thomas Hall, B.D., 1610 – 1665. From Bulletin of the John Rylands Library. Vol. 8. (Manchester) 1924. Libraries (Free Public) (Municipal)The "Thomas Hall" or King's Norton Parish Library.
1 HAL; 467148 - A brief narrative of the life and death of Thomas Hall, late pastor of King's Norton. With a transcript of his will (dated 10 April, 1664) and a catalogue of books given to the library at Birmingham, and to the parish of King's Norton. Manuscript. c.1662-64 NOTE - Photostat reproduction made at the Birmingham Reference Library, 1936, from the original in Dr. Williams's Library, London. Libraries (Free Public) (Municipal)The "Thomas Hall" or King's Norton Parish Library.
1 HOP; 238833 - HOPKINS (J.S.) A winter's journey up the Nile. 1876-7. Photographs. 91pp.
1 MOR; 771874 - Trivial reminiscences of old Stratford-upon-Avon, the Morgan family and seventy-two years in libraries. [Parts 1-2].
1 PAR; 662654 - List of British patents taken out in the names of Alexander Parkes or Henry Parkes from indices of [the] Patent Office, 1930 : with copies of letters to E. Marston Rudland and A. Parkes, Jr., 1934-45.
1 SMI; 764657 - The career of Richard Smith [founder of the Round Oak Iron Works, Brierley Hill : extracts from an M.A. thesis].
1 STU; 662611 - [Letters] : copies of letters between Joseph Sturge and Francis Place, with replies, 1842.
1 WAI; 662622 - [Letters to various people, 1910-30].
1 WATT; 478009 - A tribute to the work of James Watt in relation to the prosperity of New Zealand. In The James Watt Bi-centenary commemorative volume. A record of the celebrations held by New Zealand Engineering Societies at Wellington. (Wellington) Ports. Illus. 64pp. 1936. LUKE (JOHN PEARCE).
1 WIL; 662912 - [Prisoner of war experiences, 1942-1945 : photostats of articles from newspapers and periodicals].
1 Wai; 662622 - [Letters to various people, 1910-30].
1 Watt; 456641 - Dunnett (A.) and Gough (J.) The Romance of steam: a programme in commemoration of the bicentenary of James Watt. Revived in the Radio Drama Festival, Glasgow, October 10, 1936. Typescript. BOULTON (MATTHEW) Works relating to.
1; 169151 - John Rogers of Deritend, scholar and martyr. In Birmingham and Midland Institute, Archaeological Section. Transactions, 1895. With MS pedigree inserted. 9pp. 1896. DENT (ROBERT KIRKUP).
1; 242281 - A collection of newspaper cuttings, cartoons, circulars, etc. relating to John Bright 1868-83. BRIGHT (JOHN) M.P. for Birmingham. Works relating to.
1; 244026 - Newspaper cuttings, circulars etc., relating to C. Vince. 1862-75. VINCE (Rev. CHARLES) Works relating to.
1; 268932 - Newspaper cuttings etc., relating to Henry Hawkes. 1839-87. HAWKES (HENRY) Works relating to.
1; 268933 - Newspaper cuttings etc., relating to Henry Hawkes. 2 volumes. 1874-91. HAWKES (HENRY) Works relating to.
1; 294983 - Newspaper cuttings etc., relating to Henry Hawkes. 1866-83. HAWKES (HENRY) Works relating to.
1; 302126 - Political cartoons chiefly relating to Joseph Chamberlain. Collected by J. Macmillan. 44pp. c.1895 – 1906. Political History.
1; 302131 - Chamberlain (Joseph) Portraits and cartoons relating to. 76pp. c.1880 - 1906. MACMILLAN (JOHN) Newspaper cuttings etc., collected by.
1; 327058 - Buckley (Jessie K.) Joseph Parkes of Birmingham, and the part which he played in Radical Reform movements from 1825 to 1845. With a preface by H. Belloc, and a bibliography. Port. 1926. Reform Movement, 1817 – 1832.
1; 372960 - Chovil (A.S.) In memory of Hugh Morton, M.A., J.P., of Meadow Bank, Moseley, Birmingham. Born 1865, died 1930. Port. 16pp. 1930. MORTON (HUGH) Works relating to.
1; 381871 - Birmingham and I, reminiscences. Newspaper cuttings from the Birmingham Evening Despatch, March to April 1931. Ports. Illus. 1931. BOWATER (Sir WILLIAM HENRY).
1; 382842 - Newspaper cuttings relating to J.H. Chamberlain. 1883-4. CHAMBERLAIN (JOHN HENRY) Works relating to.
1; 392811 - Birmingham and I. Cuttings from the Birmingham Evening Despatch. March to April 1931. Sir W.H. Bowater's own copy with obituary notices relating to him inserted. Ports. Illus. 1931. History of Birmingham. BOWATER (Sir WILLIAM HENRY).
1; 394763 - A collection of leaflets (signed by John Wilkinson, Josiah Wedgwood and Matthew Boulton) relating to a proposed General Chamber of Manufacturers of Great Britain, 1785. 1932 NOTE :- Photostat reproduction from the originals in the Assay Office, Birmingham. BOULTON (MATTHEW).
1; 413434 - Timmins (S) The pipes of all peoples, by "Este". The William Bragge collection, exhibited at the Midland Institute. Reprinted from the "Birmingham Daily Post" 1870. In Bragge (W) Bibliotheca Nicotiana. 1880. Midland Institute (Birmingham and).
1; 435797 - W.J. Wainwright, R.W.S., R.B.S.A. A short account of his life and character, together with addresses given by him on various occasions. By W. Turner. Ports. Illus. 1935. TURNER (WALTER).
1; 453973 - Newspaper cuttings relating to Joseph Chamberlain's visit to Glasgow. October 1903. Illus. 1903. CHAMBERLAIN (Rt. Hon. JOSEPH) M.P. Works relating to.
1; 459871 - Newspaper cuttings relating to a portrait of Alderman Henry Hawkes, J.P. 56pp. 1885-86. HAWKES (HENRY) Works relating to.
1; 464465 - Bennett (W) John Baskerville, the Birmingham printer : his press, relations, and friends. Printed at the Birmingham School of Printing. 2 volumes. Port. 1937-39. Printing (Birmingham School of) Central School of Arts and Crafts.
1; 472972 - Newspaper cuttings etc. relating to the Right Rev. A. Hamilton Baynes. Ports. 1893 - 1900. BAYNES (ARTHUR HAMILTON) Bishop of Natal, afterwards Rector of St. Philip's.
1; 501661 - William Withering and the introduction of digitalis into medical practice. (New York) Ports. Facimiles. From Annals of Medical History. Vol. 8. 1936. RODDIS (LOUIS H.).
1; 514888 - James Sketchley of Birmingham, auctioneer, printer, publisher and freemason. (Reprinted from the Transactions of the Quator Coronati Lodge, Vol. 1) Port. 35pp. 1937. *FENTON (SYDNEY JAMES).
1; 520447 - A collection of programmes, leaflets etc., relating to John Cheshire and Zoe Cheshire. 44pp. c. 1850 - 1937. CHESHIRE (ZOE) Work relating to.
1; 530527 - Memoir of the life of David Cox. With selections from his correspondence, and some account of his works. Ports. Illus. 1873. NOTE - Extra illustrations and other material inserted. SOLLY (NATHANIEL NEAL).
1; 537529 - [Political cartoons relating to Joseph Chamberlain, taken from "Truth"].
1; 539127 - Botwood (H.A.) A Masonic biography : Richard Fenwick. Port. Illus. 28pp. 1908. Freemasonry.
1; 544104 - Memoir of Matthew Boulton, Glasgow, September 17th 1809. Memorandum printed from a manuscript in the Birmingham Assay Office. With a foreword by A. Westwood. Printed at the City of Birmingham School of Printing, College of Arts and Crafts. 12pp. 1943. *WATT (JAMES) 1736 - 1819, engineer.
1; 570776 - E?loge historique de Joseph Priestley, lu a? la se?ance publique de l'Institut National, classe des sciences mathe?matiques et physiques, le 5 messidur an 13 [June 23rd, 1805].
1; 661809 - Flowers and symbolism in the Longworth reredos ... / executed by Myra L. Bunce and Kate E. Bunce : [and erected in memory of John Thackray Bunce], 1904.
1; 661932 - Notes on David Parkes, 1763-1833, water colour painter and drawing master.
1; 662105 - Picture politics : a penny popular monthly / issued by the Westminster Gazette and Budget ; illustrated and edited by F. Carruthers Gould.
1; 662105 - Picture politics; a penny popular monthly / issued by the Westminster gazette and Budget ; illustrated and edited by F. Carruthers Gould.
1; 662120 - This fair company : a tribute programme to the late Sir Barry Jackson the founder and for many years director of the Birmingham Repertory Theatre : [broadcast 27th April, 1961].
1; 662200 - [Miscellaneous leaflets, pamphlets, invitation cards etc., relating to the celebrations of the 250th anniversary of the birth of Dr. Samuel Johnson].
1; 662214 - [Letters, cuttings, etc. relating to the Rev. Arthur O'Neill].
1; 663390 - The life of William Hutton, stationer, of Birmingham; and the history of his family. / Written by himself. With some extracts from his other works ; [illustrated with autographs and prints by Catherine Hutton].
1BAS; 199969 - John Baskerville : a memoir. By R. Straus and R.K. Dent. (Cambridge) Port. Illus. 1907 NOTE - No. 39 of edition limited to 300 copies. STRAUS (RALPH).
1BAS; 403251 - Bockwitz (H.H.) Bakerville in Briefen. In Archiv fur Buchgewerbe und Gebrauchsgraphik (February) 1933. (Leipzig) Illus. 1933. BASKERVILLE (JOHN) Works relating to.
1BAS; 415782 - Bockwitz (H.H.) Baskerville in letters. Reprinted from 'Archiv fur Buckgewerbe' at the Birmingham School of Printing, Central School of Arts and Crafts. Reprint. (Ebenezer Baylis Booklets, III) (Worcester) 15pp. 1934. *WOODBINE (HERBERT) Works translated by.
1BAS; 464465 - John Baskerville, the Birmingham printer. His press, relations and friends. Printed at the Birmingham School of Printing. 2 volumes. Port. 1937-39. *BENNETT (WILLIAM).
1BOU; 394763 - A collection of leaflets (signed by John Wilkinson, Josiah Wedgwood and Matthew Boulton) relating to a proposed General Chamber of Manufacturers of Great Britain, 1785. Photostat reproduction from the originals in the Assay Office, Birmingham. 1932. Assay Office.
1BOU; 397963 - Matthew Boulton Centenary, August 17, 1909. Correspondence, portraits, newspaper cuttings etc. Collected by W.J. Harris. 1788 - 1911. HARRIS (WILLIAM JOSEPH) Collections made by.
1BOU; 467142 - Biographical sketches of Matthew Boulton. Manuscript. 1809 NOTE - Photostat reproduction made at the Birmingham Reference Library, 1937. *WATT (JAMES) 1736 - 1819, engineer.
1BRA; 413434 - Bibliotheca Nicotiana: a catalogue of books about tobacco, etc. collected by W. Bragge, Birmingham. (Privately printed) 1880 NOTE :- differs from 69593. BRAGGE (WILLIAM) Works relating to.
1BRI; 114967 - Pall Mall Gazette. ‘Extra’ The John Bright celebration at Birmingham, 1883. A verbatim report of the specches of John Bright, Mr. Chamberlain and Lord Granville. 32pp. 1883. GRANVILLE (GRANVILLE GEORGE LEVESON-GOWER, 2nd Earl).
1CHA; 302126 - Political cartoons chiefly relating to Joseph Chamberlain. Collected by J. Macmillan. 44pp. c.1895 - 1906. CHAMBERLAIN (Rt. Hon. JOSEPH) M.P. Works relating to.
1CHA; 302131 - Portraits and cartoons relating to Joseph Chamberlain. Collected by J. Macmillan. 76pp. c.1880 - 1906. CHAMBERLAIN (Rt. Hon. JOSEPH) M.P. Works relating to.
1DOD; 149158 - Dodsley (Robert) Letter book containing autograph copies of letters to John Baskerville, William Shenstone and others. 1756-64. Manuscripts.
1GAL; 250915 - The life, letters and labours of Francis Galton. Including his early life in Birmingham. Ports. Illus. 3 volumes. 1914-30. PEARSON (KARL).
1HAL; 310586 - Powicke (F.J.) New light on an old English Presbyterian and bookman. The Rev. Thomas Hall, B.D., 1610 - 1665. From Bulletin of the John Rylands Library. Volume 8. (Manchester) 1924. *HALL (Rev. THOMAS) of King's Norton.
1HAL; 467148 - A brief narrative of the life and death of Thomas Hall, late pastor of King's Norton. With a transcript of his will (dated 10 April, 1664) and a catalogue of books given to the library at Birmingham, and to the parish of King's Norton. Manuscript. c.1662-4 NOTE - Photostat reproduction made at the Birmingham Reference Library, 1936, from the original in the Dr. Williams's Library, London. *HALL (Rev. THOMAS) of King's Norton.
1HAL; 480224 - Newspaper cuttings relating to Dr. J.F. Hall-Edwards. 2 volumes. 47pp. 1908-26. HALL-EDWARDS (JOHN FRANCIS) Works relating to.
1HIL; 456502 - The Recorder of Birmingham. A memoir of Matthew Davenport Hill. By Rosamund and Florence Davenport-Hill. Extra illustrated. Ports. Illus. 2 volumes. 1878. HILL (ROSAMUND DAVENPORT).
1MOR; 372960 - In memory of Hugh Morton, M.A., J.P. of Meadow Bank, Moseley, Birmingham, born 1865, died 1930. (Anon) Port. 16pp. 1930. *CHOVIL (ALFRED SAMUEL).
1PAR; 73771 - Sermon preached in the Church of St. Martin, Birmingham, 1778 on the death of Rev. John Parsons. 16pp. 1778. *YOUNG (Rev. WILLIAM TOY).
1PRI; 291835 - Hardinge () The speech of Mr. Hardinge, as counsel for the defendants, in the cause of Priestley against the Hundred of Hemlingford. 42pp. 1793. Riots 1791.
1REE; 448315 - Newspaper cuttings etc. relating to the Rev. F.A. Rees of Birmingham. Ports. Illus. 1861 – 1926. REES (Rev. FREDERICK ABIJAH) Work relating to.
1ROD; 530116 - A collection of circulars, newspaper cuttings, MS. notes etc., by and relating to Robert Richard Rodgers. Ports. 1867 – 1929. *RODGERS (Rev. ROBERT RICHARD) Minister of Wretham Road Church.
1SHE; 455594 - William Shenstone scrap book of newspaper cuttings etc. 1935 -. SHENSTONE (WILLIAM) the poet. Works relating to.
1SHO; 250746 - A collection of leaflets, letters etc., by, or relating to, S. Royle Shore. 1900 etc.. *SHORE (S. ROYLE).
1SHO; 250746 - Dramatic and variety entertainment, February 21st 1911. Programme. In A collection of leaflets etc., by, or relating to S. Royle Shore. 1911. Women's Employment Bureau (Birmingham and Midland).
1SHO; 250746 - Shore (S. Royle) A collection of leaflets, letters, manuscripts etc., by or relating to. 1900 etc.. Manuscripts.
1WAT; 405203 - Arago (D.F.J.) Historical éloge of James Watt. Port. Large paper copy. 1839. MUIRHEAD (JAMES PATRICK) Work translated by.
1WAT; 405203 - Historical eloge of James Watt. Translated by J.P. Muirhead. Port. 1839. Large paper copy. ARAGO (DOMINIQUE FRANCOIS JEAN).
1WAT; 456641 - The Romance of steam. A programme in commemoration of the bicentenary of James Watt, by A. Dunnett and J. Gough. Revised in the Radio Drama Festival, Glasgow, October 10, 1936. Typescript. 1936. GOUGH (JOHN) Producer for the B.B.C..
1WAT; 456641 - The romance of steam. A programme in commemoration of the bicentenary of James Watt by A. Dunnett and J. Gough. Revived in the Radio Drama Festival, Glasgow. October 10th, 1936. Typescript.. DUNNETT (ALASTAIR).
1WAT; 458179 - Steam Engineering Exhibition, Tokyo, 1936 in celebration of the bicentenary of James Watt's birth. Held under the auspices of the James Watt Society of Japan, the Japan Power Association and the Tokyo Science Museum. Watt Memorial album containing reproductions of material supplied by the Birmingham Reference Libray and Birmingham firms. (Tokyo) 1936. James Watt Society of Japan.
1WAT; 478009 - Life and work of James Watt. The second of the James Watt Commemoration lectures. In The James Watt bi-centenary Commemorative volume. A record of the celebration held by New Zealand engineering societies at Wellington. (Wellington) Ports. Illlus. 64pp. 1936. JENKINSON (S.H.).
1WATT; 282989 - Circulars, guides, photographs, newspaper cuttings etc. 1919. Watt (James) 1736 - 1819, engineer : Centenary Commemoration, 1919.
1WATT; 282990 - James Watt centenary commemoration, Greenock, September 1919. Newspaper cuttings etc. 1919. Watt (James) 1736 - 1819, engineer : Centenary Commemoration, 1919.
1WATT; 405203 - Arago (D.F.J.) Historical éloge of James Watt. Translated by J.P. Muirhead. Port. 1839. WATT (JAMES) 1736 - 1819, engineer. Works relating to.
1WATT; 458179 - Steam Engineering Exhibition, Tokyo, 1936, in celebration of the bicentenary of James Watt's birth. Held under the auspices of the James Watt Society of Japan, the Japan Power Association and the Tokyo Science Museum. Watt Memorial album containing reproductions of material supplied by the Birmingham Reference Library and Birmingham firms. (Tokyo) 1936. Libraries (Free Public) (Municipal), Books and Pamphlets on the Libraries.
1WATT; 478009 - The James Watt Bi-centenary commemorative volume. A record of the celebrations held by New Zealand engineering societies at Wellington. (Wellington) Ports. Illus. 64pp. 1936.
1YOU; 384633 - Fiction and the medical profession. An interview with Francis Brett-Young. From Great Thoughts. Port. 1931. WODDIS (M.J.).
170090 - Botwood (H.A.) Mr. Chamberlain in Caricature. A biography in cartoon. From Birmingham Daily Mail. 1901. In Newspaper Extracts George Dawson and Joseph Chamberlain. 1863 - 1909. CHAMBERLAIN (Rt. Hon. JOSEPH) M.P. Works relating to.
179257 - The County of Stafford and many of its family records. Including several Birmingham men. (Exeter) Ports. 1897 NOTE :- edition limited to 120 copies. Families.
181888 - Familiar Figures. Portraits and biographical sketches. Cuttings from Birmingham Evening Despatch. Numbers 1 - 1005. 2 volumes. 1903-6.
185889 - Birmingham at the opening of the 20th Century. Contemporary biographies. (Pike's New Century Series, No. 3) (Brighton) Ports. Illus. 1900. PIKE (W.T.) Works edited by.
198526 - County biographies, 1901. (Staffordshire) Including Handsworth biographies. Ports. 1901. LUDLOW (FREDERICK B.) Work edited by.
217842 - Midland Captains of Industry. Cuttings from the "Birmingham Gazette and Express" Ports. 1907-9.
238846 - Warwickshire lives : social and political, Containing portraits and biographical sketches of Birmingham men. Ports. 1895. PRESS (CHARLES A. Manning).
243129 - Obituary notices of Birmingham and district. 2 volumes. 1864 - 1909. OSBORNE (GEORGE HENRY) Newspaper cuttings etc. collected by.
243130 - Obituary notices of Birmingham and district, collected by G.H. Osborne. Volume 2. 1881 - 1909.
243132 - George Dawson and Joseph Chamberlain. Newspaper cuttings etc. 1863 - 1909. OSBORNE (GEORGE HENRY) Newspaper cuttings etc., collected by.
243140 - Newspaper cuttings relating to deaths in Handsworth and district. Collected by G.H. Osborne. 1899 - 1908.
243141 - Newspaper cuttings relating to marriages and deaths in Handsworth and district. Collected by G.H. Osborne. 1872 - 1903.
243210 - Newspaper cuttings relating to Births, Marriages and Deaths in Handsworth, Perry Barr and district. Collected by G.H. Osborne. 1876 - 1908.
249694 - Gaskell (E) Worcestershire leaders : social and political. Ports. 1908. Political History.
250039 - Warwickshire leaders : social and political. By W. Gaskell and G. Rickword. Ports. 1906. RICKWORD (GEORGE).
276907 - Newspaper cuttings relating to Birmingham. Obituaries, Musical Festival, Central Libraries Fire etc., collected by J.T. Bunce. 1871-98. Musical Festivals (Triennial).
289562 - Warwickshire. Historical, biographical and pictorial. Ports. Illus. c.1913. GRANT (JOHN) Work edited by.
302176 - Newspaper cuttings relating to Birmingham. Chiefly biographical. Collected by J. Macmillan. 1866 - 1909.
320938 - Popular portraits. Articles and portraits from The Birmingham News. 1922-5.
358434 - The County of Stafford and many of its family records. Including several Birmingham men. (Exeter) Ports.
366108 - Warwickshire, historical, descriptive and biographical, in the reign of King Edward VII. With references to Aston Hall and Aston Parish Church. Ports. Illus. (County Biographies) 1912. DALE (JOHN) Work edited by.
389876 - Midland notablilities. Newspaper cuttings from the Birmingham Evening Despatch. Ports. 1930.
425012 - Men of the period. Selected from centres of commerce and industry. Portraits and pen pictures of leading men. Illustrated with views of national edifices. Containing a Birmingham section. Ports. c.1900.
434231 - Letters from James Watt to Matthew Boulton, 1778 - 1782. 10pp. 1935 NOTE - Photostat reproductions made at the Birmingham Reference Library, 1935. *WATT (JAMES) 1736 - 1819, engineer.
434232 - Letters from James Watt to William Small, 1769 - 1772. 14pp. 1935 NOTE - Photostat reproductions made at the Birmingham Reference Library, 1935 *WATT (JAMES) 1736 - 1819, engineer :- continued. *WATT (JAMES) 1736 - 1819, engineer.
457311 - Worcestershire lives, social and political. With chapters relating to C.P. Lane, J.C. Holder and A.M. Chance, all of Birmingham. Ports. 1894?. PRESS (CHARLES A. Manning).
576110 - [A Midland portrait gallery. Nos. 1-78, Articles with drawings of Midland notabilities : newspaper cuttings from the Sunday Mercury, 1944-46].
617194 - [Birmingham biography : leaflets, cuttings letters, etc.].
660457 - Their work shall endure : a tribute to the lives of three men : F.T. Jefferson, John Arthur Kenrick, J. Archibald Kenrick.
HEB; 668488 - [Some of my great grandfather Roger Hebden's writings taken from his handwriting].
Expand 79 - Collections of Portraits, Catalogues of Portraits79 - Collections of Portraits, Catalogues of Portraits
Expand 80 - Topography and description80 - Topography and description
81 - Birmingham as described by foreign travellers
82 - Vestiges of Old Birmingham and Midlands
83 - Guides to Birmiongham and Surrounding Country
Expand 84 - Maps and Plans84 - Maps and Plans
Expand 85 - Views, Prospects, Panoramas85 - Views, Prospects, Panoramas
Expand 86 - Improvement Schemes to 193986 - Improvement Schemes to 1939
Expand 87 - Reconstruction and Redevelopment: 1940s onwards87 - Reconstruction and Redevelopment: 1940s onwards
Expand 88 - Conservation, Environment88 - Conservation, Environment
Expand 89 - Particular streets and localites89 - Particular streets and localites
Expand 90 - Parishes90 - Parishes
Expand 91 - Suburbs and Districs in Warwickshire91 - Suburbs and Districs in Warwickshire
Expand 92 - Suburbs and Districts transferred from Worcestershie92 - Suburbs and Districts transferred from Worcestershie
Expand 93 - Suburbs and Districts transferred from Stafforsdhire93 - Suburbs and Districts transferred from Stafforsdhire
Expand 94 - Herefordshire94 - Herefordshire
Expand 95 - Shropshire95 - Shropshire
Expand 96 - Staffordshire96 - Staffordshire
Expand 97 - Warwickshire97 - Warwickshire
Expand 98 - Worcesrtershire98 - Worcesrtershire
Expand 99 - West Midlands, Black Country99 - West Midlands, Black Country
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