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01; 209900 - The Political side of the vaccination system. An essay read at the Birmingham Anti-Vaccination Conference, 1874. 2nd edition. (Leominster) 16pp. 1874. NEWMAN (FRANCIS WILLIAM).
1; 528533 - Hospital Reform, Birmingham 1891. Report of the Hospital Reform Enquiry Committee. 36pp. 1891. Hospital Reform Enquiry Committee.
01; 661921 - The terrible effects of vaccination & re-vaccination, one of the great causes of disease, suffering & death supported by evidence from the report of the Birmingham Medical Officer of Health.
3; 663051 - First aid and hospital arrangements in case of a major catastrophe occurring within the city of Birmingham.
4; 300182 - Book of the words of the Misses Smith's concert, December 5th, 1845 at the Town Hall in aid of the funds of the General Dispensary. 8pp. 1845. Dispensary (Birmingham General).
04; 663339 - An appeal to commemorate fifty years service in social work for children / by Frank Mathews.
6; 325612 - Church House, Erdington. Concert in aid of the Erdington District Nursing Society. October 1925. Programme. 4pp. 1925. Nursing Society (Erdington District).
6; 509743 - Opening of Kings Heath and Billesley Nurses' Home, Chamberlain Road, Kings Heath, 18th July 1939. Typescript. 1939. Nursing Association (City of Birmingham District).
6; 515860 - Bordesley Home. 34 years of progress. c.1933. Nursing Association (City of Birmingham District).
6; 662765 - Sparkhill and Greet area : annual report, 1937.
6; 791769 - A century of district nursing in Birmingham, 1870-1970.
07; 660253 - The Medical Miscellany.
08; 425530 - Phrenological, physiological and pathological examiner. By T. Canning, Science teacher. Prospectus of science classes 1874-5. With announcements of classes for 1878 and 1879. 12pp. . CANNING (THOMAS) Science Classes.
09; 660451 - Nature cure in a nutshell : a simple guide to healthful living.
09; 660621 - The health habit : open letters to patients and friends who are health conscious : 23 June 1953, 23 April 1954, 21 May 1954, 17 June 1954.
9; 662504 - A new nursing home in Edgbaston : 20 Somerset Road : [prospectus and appeal].
11; 260669 - Queen's Hospital extension. Verses sung by a choir from the "Birmingham Schools Choral Union", at the laying of the foundation stone. December 4th 1871. Broadside. 1871. Schools' Choral Union (Birmingham).
11; 660395 - Report of sub-committee upon an enquiry made into the circumstances of patients attending the Queen's Hospital.
11; 662630 - Extension fund appeal.
13; 220600 - Birmingham, Aston and King's Norton Joint Poor Law Establishment Committee. Monyhull Colony. New homes for epileptics and the feeble-minded. Short history of the scheme. Illus. Ports. 8pp. 1908?.
13; 295647 - The History of Monyhull Colony. 20pp. 1921.
13; 635842 - Inside a mental hospital : [Winson Green].
21; 61872 - Selection of sacred music at St. Martin's, November 9th 1828, in aid of the General Hospital. 7pp. 1828. St. Martin's Church and Parish.
21; 222072 - Selection of sacred music to be introduced into the service at St. Martin's Church, Birmingham, November 13th 1825, in aid of the General Hospital. 7pp. 1825. St. Martin's Church and Parish.
21; 240080 - Visit of H.R.H. Princess Christian to open the new General Hospital, 7 July, 1897. Programme. Illus. 20pp. 1897. Christian (Princess) Helena Augusta Victoria, Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein.
21; 240081 - Opening of the new General Hospital, July 7, 1897 by Princess Christian. Programme of the proceedings and history of the institution. Ports. Illus. 20pp. 1897. Christian (Princess) Helena Augusta Victoria, Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein.
21; 296728 - Scheme of the performances at St. Philip's Church, Birmingham, for the benefit of the General Hospital. November 14th 1813; October 13th 1816; August 29th 1819. 1813-19. St. Philip's (The Cathedral Church).
21; 296729 - Selection of sacred music to be performed at St. Philip's Church, September 1st 1822, in aid of the General Hospital. 7pp. 1822. St. Philip's (The Cathedral Church).
21; 296731 - Selection of sacred music to be performed on October 13, 1822, at St. Martin’s Church in aid of the General Hospital. 6pp. 1822. Hospital (General).
21; 326952 - Testimonials in favour of Thomas Savage, M.D., F.R.C.S., M.R.C.P., candidate for the office of obstetric surgeon to the General Hospital, Birmingham. 21pp. 1877. SAVAGE (THOMAS) M.D. Work relating to.
21; 528538 - New General Hospital at Birmingham. Conditions of competition for design of hospital and particulars of accommodation. 10pp. 1891. Hospital (General).
21; 528539 - The New General Hospital, Birmingham. Appeal for funds. 4pp. 1891. Hospital (General).
21; 626452 - The General Hospital, Birmingham : [a history].
21; 627619 - Visit of their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of York to lay the foundation stone of the new General Hospital, 8th September, 1894 : official programme.
21; 661346 - Diabetic clinic : [details of the diabetic diet etc.].
22; 491769 - Birmingham Hospitals Centre. Illus. From The Electrical Review. Volume 123. 1938. OERTON (C.H.).
22; 533733 - Brief summary of scheme and progress to date, for presentation to meeting, January 14th, 1932 and Financial statement. Building contract for first instalment. With leaflets. 12pp. 1932. Hospital Centre, Edgbaston.
23; 224525 - Birmingham memorial to King Edward VII. Reprint of newspaper articles, etc. Port. Illus. 6pp. 1910. Hospital for Sick Children (Birmingham and Midland Free).
23; 279723 - Annual Meeting of the Governors (6th) 1868. Notice and list of governors. 3pp. 1868. Hospital for Sick Children (Birmingham and Midland Free).
23; 312216 - Hospital for Sick Children. Summary of reasons for the establishment of a Children’s Hospital in Birmingham. 4pp. 1861. Hospital for Sick Children (Birmingham and Midland Free).
23; 643054 - The children's hospital (King Edward VII Memorial) Birmingham : [description and appeal].
25; 515870 - Descriptive booklet. Illus. 47pp. c.1936. Hospital for Women (Birmingham and Midland).
25; 576150 - Results of surgical treatment of carcinoma of the breast at the Women's Hospital, Birmingham, by the honorary surgeons / compiled with the help of T.[F.] Redman.
26; 264800 - Birmingham Dental Hospital and School in connection with the University of Birmingham, 1912-13. Syllabus. Illus. 47pp. NOTE :- This was not published separately after 1912-13, but is continued in the University of Birmingham, Faculty of Medicine (and Dental Department). Regulations for Degrees etc.. Dental Hospital (Birmingham).
29; 301436 - Ear and Throat Hospital, Birmingham. Patients' Christmas Concert, 28th December 1921. Programme. 4pp. 1921. Ear and Throat Hospital (Birmingham and Midland).
38; 627621 - Highcroft Hall Hospital : a survey of the treatment and services provided.
63; 45203 - The origin and future of Hospital Saturday. Address in the Birmingham Medical Institute. 16pp. 1882. *GAMGEE (JOSEPH SAMPSON).
63; 579859 - Birmingham Exhibition of Arts & Industries, Bingley Hall, March to June 1905 : details of musical arrangements.
64; 325612 - Church House, Erdington. Concert in aid of the Erdington District Nursing Society. October 1925. Programme. 4pp. 1925. St. Barnabas', Erdington.
71; 662636 - Report, 27 June 1933.
72; 662293 - £10,000 appeal on the occasion of our 10th anniversary.
72; 669367 - The facts [an explanatory leaflet].
073; 35003 - Sydenham College Medical School, Birmingham. Prospectus. 14pp. 1866. Sydenham College Medical School.
073; 129654 - The present state of the medical profession compared with its state prior to the Apothecaries Act, 1815. Introductory address at Sydenham College, Birmingham, 1854. 32pp. 1854. ELKINGTON (FRANCIS).
073; 233273 - Medical responsibilities. Introductory lecture at Sydenham College, Birmingham, Session 1863-4. 14pp. 1863. JORDAN (ROBERT COANE ROBERTS).
073; 244486 - Note on the history of the Library of the Birmingham Medical Institute. 4pp. 1912. BRANSON (GUY J).
073; 552011 - The character and claims of the medical profession : an introductory address delivered at Sydenham College, Birmingham, Oct. 3rd, 1853.
073; 660025 - An exhibition of rare medical books / displayed by the Birmingham Medical Institute on the occasion of the visit of the Medical Section of the Library Association, March 1955 : [catalogue].
307; 748950 - [Details of] opening of the Regional Blood Transfusion Service Centre by the Rt. Hon. K. Robinson, 24th September 1965.
312; 662103 - The form of service for the hallowing of the work of restoration and new adornments / by the Right Reverend Michael Parker, M.A., the Bishop of Aston, on Tuesday, 1st March, 1960.
321; 663032 - A night of mercy in Birmingham's Accident Hospital / text by J. Miller ; photographs by D. McCullin.
321; 755126 - Sheltered work centre for head injury patients.
323; 662299 - The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, Birmingham : the Woodlands, Northfield, 1909-1949.
323; 662301 - You can help to perform this miracle : [booklet describing the work of the Royal Cripples Hospital].
324; 662488 - Notes for the guidance of in-patients.
328; 663210 - Birmingham. No. 6, Group Hospital Management Committee : visitors' guide [to] Rubery Hill Hospital.
328; 748951 - [Details of] opening of the John Conolly Hospital, Rednal / by the Rt. Hon. K. Robinson, 23rd September 1965.
3211; 608559 - Metabolic study of burn cases : [a report of work done in the] Medical Research Council Burns Unit, Birmingham Accident Hospital.
233599 - National Association for the Promotion of Social Science, Birmingham Meeting 1868. "Can the public hospitals and dispensaries of this country be so administered as to conduce more to the welfare of the community?" 14pp. 1868. *MATHEWS (CHARLES EDWARD).
528540 - Replies to series of questions addressed by the Committee to the various hospitals in Birmingham. Folding sheet. 1890. Hospital Reform Enquiry Committee.
662511 - A hospital plan for England and Wales : [Birmingham region only].
Expand 47 - Transport, Communication, Traffic Problems47 - Transport, Communication, Traffic Problems
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