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Expand B.Col - The Birmingham CollectionB.Col - The Birmingham Collection
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Expand 01 - Physical Aspects01 - Physical Aspects
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Expand 03 - Natural History03 - Natural History
Expand 04 - Meteorology04 - Meteorology
Expand 05 - General Works05 - General Works
Expand 06 - Directories06 - Directories
Expand 07 - Book Trade in Birmingham07 - Book Trade in Birmingham
Expand 08 - Periodicals and Newspapers08 - Periodicals and Newspapers
Expand 09 - Bibilography on all aspects of the history of Birmingham09 - Bibilography on all aspects of the history of Birmingham
Expand 10 - Religion10 - Religion
11 - Ecclesiology, Church Buildings, Art, Furniture
12 - Monastic Birmingham
Expand 13 - Church of England General Histories13 - Church of England General Histories
Expand 14 - Diocese of Birmingham. Archdeaconary of Birmingham14 - Diocese of Birmingham. Archdeaconary of Birmingham
Expand 15 - Diocese of Birmingham. Archdeaconary of Aston15 - Diocese of Birmingham. Archdeaconary of Aston
Expand 17 - Roman Catholic Church17 - Roman Catholic Church
Expand 18 - Nonconformists Dissenters18 - Nonconformists Dissenters
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Expand 21 - Social Life Special Classes21 - Social Life Special Classes
Expand 22 - Customs of Public and Private Life, Pageants, Festivals Ceremonies and Other Customs22 - Customs of Public and Private Life, Pageants, Festivals Ceremonies and Other Customs
Expand 23 - Inns, Taverns, Public Houses, Hotels, Hospitaity, customes connected with eating and drinking23 - Inns, Taverns, Public Houses, Hotels, Hospitaity, customes connected with eating and drinking
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Expand 29 - Legends, Ghost Apparitions, Hauntings29 - Legends, Ghost Apparitions, Hauntings
Expand 30 - History of Birmingham Government from ealiest times30 - History of Birmingham Government from ealiest times
Expand 31 - City Corporation, The Mayor, Aldermen and Council Collectively31 - City Corporation, The Mayor, Aldermen and Council Collectively
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33 - Aldermen
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Expand 38 - Town Hall38 - Town Hall
Expand 39 - Regional Government39 - Regional Government
Expand 40 - Statistics, Yearbooks of General Statistics40 - Statistics, Yearbooks of General Statistics
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Expand 42 - Crimes, Offences, Misdemeanours, Juvenile Crime, Special Crimes42 - Crimes, Offences, Misdemeanours, Juvenile Crime, Special Crimes
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Expand 44 - Markets and Food Supply44 - Markets and Food Supply
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Expand 46 - Medicine Hospitals46 - Medicine Hospitals
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Expand 48 - Education, Teaching and Teachers, History and Description of Schools,48 - Education, Teaching and Teachers, History and Description of Schools,
Expand 49 - Other Services (Gas, Electricity)49 - Other Services (Gas, Electricity)
Expand 50 - Culture in Birmingham50 - Culture in Birmingham
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Expand 52 - Literary Associations (Birmingham and Midland Writers Only)52 - Literary Associations (Birmingham and Midland Writers Only)
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Expand 54 - Fine Arts, artists, Printing, Sculpture54 - Fine Arts, artists, Printing, Sculpture
Expand 55 - Music55 - Music
Expand 56 - Architecture in Birmingham56 - Architecture in Birmingham
Expand 57 - Public Buildings57 - Public Buildings
Expand 58 - Domestic Architecture, Household Effecrs, Gardens58 - Domestic Architecture, Household Effecrs, Gardens
Expand 5959
59 - Other Cutural Activities
Expand 59.159.1
Expand 60 - Economic History and Theory60 - Economic History and Theory
Expand 61 - Industrial Organisation61 - Industrial Organisation
Expand 62 - Commerce, Commercial Interests62 - Commerce, Commercial Interests
Expand 63 - Finance, Banking, Public Finance63 - Finance, Banking, Public Finance
Expand 64 - Trades and Manufactures64 - Trades and Manufactures
Expand 65 - Engineering and Technology65 - Engineering and Technology
Expand 66 - Chemical and Allied Industries66 - Chemical and Allied Industries
Collapse 67 - Manufactures67 - Manufactures
1; 660124 - A town talks, jewellery city : [Birmingham].
1; 661663 - An exhibition of jewellery, silverware, plated ware, horological and fancy goods of Midland manufacture at Messrs. Lewis's Ltd. Bull Street, Birmingham [Sept.-Oct. 1958].
2; 149598 - BURRITT (E) An account of the Brades steel and iron works, (Oldbury), being an extract from "Walks in the Black Country and its green borderland" 8pp.
2; 662479 - The Midland iron industry in the early eighteenth century : the background to the first successful use of coke in iron smelting.
2; 662618 - The old Bloomfield ship : [an allegorical poem in praise of the Iron Works].
3; 453060 - Cook (M) The development of the non-ferrous metal industries in Birmingham. Chairman's address to the Birmingham Local Section of the Institute of Metals 31st March 1936. (Kynoch Press) 16pp. 1936. Metal Trades.
3; 493274 - Harcourts Ltd. Chains for air ships, aeroplanes, sea planes, semaphores and ships' telegraphs. A catalogue. Port. Illus. 12pp. c.1916. Metal Trades.
3; 526753 - Vittoria Street School. Classes for light metal trades. Prospectus 1941-2 – In City of Birmingham Education Committee. School for Jewellers and Silversmiths. Abridged prospectus, 1941-2 –. 1941 –. Metal Trades.
3; 663132 - Close on a century's progress : [a brief history of Barker & Allen Ltd.] Birmingham, metal mills with a world connection.
4; 149588 - Green, Cadbury and Richards, button makers, Birmingham. An advertising booklet. 20pp. 1876?.
4; 662061 - The button manufacture of Birmingham.
4; 662861 - [A short account of Edward Armfield & Co. Ltd. : with biographical notes on A.A. Perkin].
5; 72309 - Articles of agreement of the Society of Cabinet Makers, at the Green Man, in Moor Street, Birmingham. 8pp. 1808. Cabinet Makers.
6; 539269 - Constitution and rules of the Staff Committee, Fort Dunlop.
6; 756069 - How the great companies are run. No. 1, The Dunlop Rubber Company.
7; 625989 - New materials for industry : third Chance memorial lecture delivered before the Birmingham and Midland Section of the Society [of Chemical Industry] Jan. 24, 1951.
8; 443337 - Paper production for stationery and wrapping. Report on a paper read at a Birmingham meeting of the British Industrial Purchasing Officers' Association. From Industry Illustrated. June 1935. 1935. JOHNSON (G.B.C.).
8; 528543 - A critical examination of one aspect of paper control by C.H. Foyle, Boxfoldia Ltd. Typescript. 30pp. 1941. FOYLE (CHARLES HENRY).
8; 624953 - The Kalamazoo workers' handbook.
8; 662398 - Forty years 1921-1961 : commemorating the 40th anniversary of Boxfoldia Ltd.
8; 662782 - Chocolate box beauties.
8; 663499 - English paper trays, 1790-1815 : their decoration and design from contemporary records.
8; 663500 - The paper king of Birmingham : [the story of Henry Clay].
9; 411816 - The Trade Associations of Birmingham brick masters, 1864 - 1933. (Menton) Port. 1933. STEPHENSON (ALBERT HENRY).
11; 72224 - Rules of the proposed Master Jewellers' and Silversmiths' Association. 7pp. 1875. Jewellers' and Silversmiths' Association (Birmingham Master).
11; 370745 - Birmingham Jewellers' and Silversmiths' Association composite exhibit, British Industries Fair (London) 1930. List of exhibitors. 20pp. 1930. Jewellers' and Silversmiths' Association (Birmingham).
11; 466254 - The manufacture of wrought plate in Birmingham. A paper read to the Birmingham Archaeological Society, March 18th 1904. Reprinted from the Transactions of the Society. Illus. 25pp. 1904. WESTWOOD (ARTHUR).
11; 553782 - Notes of information for those interested in silver and Elkington plate : [lists of hall markes and maker's marks].
11; 576162 - A record of achievement : [the work of Elkington & Co., Ltd. during the war, 1939-45].
11; 660834 - English cloisonne enamels [with references to Birmingham and Elkington and Co.].
11; 662087 - Craftsmanship plus organisation : [a history of A. Edward Jones Ltd.].
11; 663358 - [Catalogues of church and domestic silverware].
11; 663514 - The art of close plating [with references to Birmingham silversmiths].
12; 206888 - Business training of jewellers. Interview with Professor Ashley. From Modern Business. 1908. HORTON (J).
12; 446099 - Holden (H.H.) Jewellery, enamelling, silversmithing and kindred trades of Birmingham. Printed at the Birmingham School of Printing. Illus. 8pp. 1930. Jewelley and Plate.
12; 535693 - Ginder (J.C.) Birmingham, Ltd. A personal service from the house of J.C. Ginder, Birmingham Ltd. A descriptive booklet. Ports. Illus. 20pp. 1940. Jewelley and Plate.
12; 663171 - Articles on the Birmingham Jewellers and Silversmiths Association and the jewellery trade in Birmingham.
13; 589877 - 1847-1947 : the centenary of N.C. Reading & Co. Ltd., 33-35, Hall Street : [a short history of the firm].
13; 662876 - Links with the past : [a brief history of the firm].
13; 663070 - Collins' progress, 1883-1949 : the story of C.H. Collins & Sons Limited, stud and cuff link manufacturers.
14; 302656 - Numismatic circular (A.R. Thomas'), New Street, Birmingham. Number 15 (March 1882) 4pp. 1882.
14; 326870 - Richards (T.B.) Matthew Boulton's Medal on the reconquest of Naples in 1799, and of certain events in connection therewith. By A Birmingham Observer (pseud. i.e. T.B. Richards) Also of Lord Nelson's reception at Birmingham in 1802. With a facsimile of a letter by Lord Nelson and references to the Birmingham Assay Office. Edited by A. Westwood. Illus. 15pp. 1926. Assay Office.
14; 326980 - Matthew Boulton's Medal on the reconquest of Naples in 1799; and of certain events in connection therewith, by a Birmingham Observer (pseud.); also of Lord Nelson's reception at Birmingham in 1802. With a facsimile of a letter by Lord Nelson, and a supplement. Edited by A. Westwood. Illus. 20pp. 1926-28. RICHARDS (THOMAS BINGHAM).
14; 330096 - Matthew Boulton's "Otaheite" Medal, distributed by Captain Cook on his second voyage to the Pacific Ocean, 1772. By A. Westwood. Illus. 11pp. 1926. WESTWOOD (ARTHUR).
22; 449927 - Dean (A.R.) Ltd. A few designs for handmade hammered iron and copper work. c.1900. Metalwork.
22; 505159 - Thos. Whitfield & Co., manufacturers and wrought iron frying pans, ladles, bowls, cooking utensils, portable and other furnaces etc. Catalogue. 24pp. 1867. Whitfield (Thos.) & Co..
23; 662909 - Copy [of] certificate of incorporation of William Garfield Limited, 24th September 1898.
24; 662672 - Reports and accounts
31; 512940 - Samuel Booth & Co., Cheapside Works, Birmingham. Catalogue of chandeliers. 9pp. Illus. 1898. BOOTH (SAMUEL) & Co.
31; 662212 - Catalogue of plant, tools, finished and unfinished stock of A. Sanders, chandelier & gas fittings manufacturer : Hockley Street Works, Birmingham, Sept. 23 & 24th, 1907.
31; 663110 - Prospectus and memorandum of association.
33; 413836 - Chromium plating. (Coleman & Appleby, Ltd.) Illus. 8pp. 1933. SANDIFER (DOUGLAS ALBERT NEVILLE).
33; 660623 - Painting and protections of aluminium alloys.
34; 497954 - Pioneer work in the forging of duralumin. A brief history of a company (T. Smith and Sons of Saltley, Ltd.) concerned in forging the first age-hardening light alloy. From Ligh Metals. March 1939. GROOM (E.J.).
34; 663107 - History of the manufacture of nickel and cobalt : a paper intended to have been read in the economic section of the British Association, September 1865.
39; 662609 - Elegance for the mantelpiece : [M.] Boulton's Blue John garnitures.
306; 282717 - A brief survey of the scheme of industrial and scientific research in relation to the non-ferrous metals industry. 6pp. 1919. Metals Research Association (British Non-Ferrous).
306; 284355 - A brief survey of the scheme of industrial and scientific research in relation to the non-ferrous metals industry. 10pp. 1920. Metals Research Association (British Non-Ferrous).
306; 313164 - British Non-Ferrous Metals Research Association. Circular and Reprint series. No. 2 etc. (Birmingham) 1922 etc. 4pp.
306; 662205 - [Membership circular 1919].
Expand 68 - Specialised Trades and Craftys68 - Specialised Trades and Craftys
Expand 69 - Other Industries69 - Other Industries
Expand 70 - History: Sources70 - History: Sources
Expand 71 - History: General71 - History: General
Expand 72 - History: Before the Conquest72 - History: Before the Conquest
Expand 73 - Histories of Specific Periods73 - Histories of Specific Periods
Expand 74 - Relations with Foreign Countires. Colonial Relations74 - Relations with Foreign Countires. Colonial Relations
Expand 75 - Military, Naval and Air History75 - Military, Naval and Air History
Expand 76 - Political History76 - Political History
Expand 77 - Geneaology, Heraldry77 - Geneaology, Heraldry
Expand 78 - Biography78 - Biography
79 - Collections of Portraits, Catalogues of Portraits
Expand 80 - Topography and description80 - Topography and description
81 - Birmingham as described by foreign travellers
82 - Vestiges of Old Birmingham and Midlands
Expand 83 - Guides to Birmiongham and Surrounding Country83 - Guides to Birmiongham and Surrounding Country
Expand 84 - Maps and Plans84 - Maps and Plans
Expand 85 - Views, Prospects, Panoramas85 - Views, Prospects, Panoramas
Expand 86 - Improvement Schemes to 193986 - Improvement Schemes to 1939
Expand 87 - Reconstruction and Redevelopment: 1940s onwards87 - Reconstruction and Redevelopment: 1940s onwards
88 - Conservation, Environment
89 - Particular streets and localites
Expand 90 - Parishes90 - Parishes
Expand 91 - Suburbs and Districs in Warwickshire91 - Suburbs and Districs in Warwickshire
Expand 92 - Suburbs and Districts transferred from Worcestershie92 - Suburbs and Districts transferred from Worcestershie
Expand 93 - Suburbs and Districts transferred from Stafforsdhire93 - Suburbs and Districts transferred from Stafforsdhire
Expand 94 - Herefordshire94 - Herefordshire
95 - Shropshire
Expand 96 - Staffordshire96 - Staffordshire
Expand 97 - Warwickshire97 - Warwickshire
Expand 98 - Worcesrtershire98 - Worcesrtershire
99 - West Midlands, Black Country
Expand pp - Large pamphletspp - Large pamphlets
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